Chapter 19

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"You know I love you right" Zayn asked as he pulled a half asleep Liam closer to his chest.

Liam opened his brown eyes at his lover, "I know baby, and you know what?" He leaned up and kissed his lips.

"I love you more".

Liam woke up with teary eyes, his pillow soaked in tears. He snuggled into a pillow more as Zayn wasn't there to cuddle with him, but he didn't feel that warmth he felt when Zayn was there, he didn't have his chest as a pillow.

He looked out of the window and saw the night sky. The peace and calmness of outside didn't match the thrumming in his heart, which was broken and shattered.

He had been holed up in his room for two days since he saw that picture. He won't let anyone other than Harry to enter his room, not even his mum.

He didn't know why he was acting this way, maybe the pain of first heartbreak was too much to handle or maybe the sheer reminder that Zayn didn't love him, hurt a little more with every passing minute.

He sighed, he couldn't sleep anymore. Every time he tries to sleep, beautiful memories with Zayn, flash behind his eyes.

"Zaynie! Stop! Ok sorry for calling you an idiot"

"Will you treat me with more respect?" Zayn said, finally stopping with his tickling assault on Liam.

"Yes, Mr Malik" Liam rolled his eyes and straddled Zayn's lap.

"You know, I love it when you call me Mr Malik, sounds hot" Zayn said, rubbing Liam's exposed hipbone.

"So I'll call you that only" Liam said as he leaned over him and whispered in his ear.

"Mr Malik"

Liam smiled to himself and clutched to the pillow, again realizing there was no Zayn.

He wanted to believe Zayn's words, every promise he made, but then again that picture comes to his mind and every promise seemed to be fake, every 'I love you' was a stab in his chest, every 'Jaan' was like a razor blade slowly peeling off the skin...

But no, Liam would never self harm himself, because of someone who used him, who made him dream of a perfect life, who made him believe in love, who made him fall in love.

Love seemed to be an unknown word in his dictionary now.

He turned onto his back and stared at the ceiling. His throat felt dry, so looked at his night stand, but the water bottle was empty. He got up, put on his glasses and went out of the room.

When he reached downstairs, he saw the kitchen light still on. He frowned wondering who was still up, but relaxed when he saw his dad.

"Hey, Liam, glad to see you out of your room for once" His dad joked, but Liam grimaced.

He knew he was hurting everyone with his behaviour. But he couldn't care less. He had become stubborn, so be it.

His dad pursed his lips, "You know, he came today also, was waiting by the door for the whole day in the cold, just to talk to you"

Zayn came by his house for the past two days trying to explain what had happened. But Liam didn't want to be reminded every time, how Zayn cheated on him, so he had told his family, he doesn't want to meet Zayn.

But Zayn was persistent too. He would stay outside just hoping Liam would take notice and just talk to him. But when Mark or Karen urge him to leave so that he doesn't get cold, he complies.

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