Chapter 21

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A month passed by too quickly for Liam's liking. But, he couldn't complain. It was the best time spent with Zayn. No fights, no stupid arguments, they just tried to know each other more, spent as much time with each other.

School was going well too. Their monthly tests came, and as usual Liam topped the class. Connor and his friends didn't bother them anymore. They maintained their distance from the couple and their friends. In fact Connor apologized to them for his shitty behaviour and even admitted his mistake with Janet and apologized to her. Even Jack didn't try to talk to Liam. Though Liam was still paranoid about him.

Liam was finally happy with how his life turned out to be. Two months ago he couldn't have even thought of being in a relationship with his long time crush, how madly in love they would be. But it all turned out to be true.

Everyday he got to see Zayn's different sides. How loving and caring he is around him, how much he loves his family, he could do anything for his friends. Liam secretly loved the fact that, Zayn could only comfort him and would be awkward when it comes to others.

Zayn and him were closer than ever. Their bond grew not only sexually but, emotionally too. Zayn was his anchor, his strength, but his weakness too. He couldn't bear if anything happens to him. Every night, he only prayed for Zayn's health, their relationship.

With a simple look at him, Zayn could understand his mood, whether he was upset or happy. And Liam thanked all the gods above who sent someone like Zayn in his life.

Today was Louis' birthday and after Christmas they'd be leaving for New York.

So here he was getting ready for the party. Since Louis' birthday falls on Christmas Eve, they always have both celebrations at the Tomlinson's home.

His house was decorated with bright lights, a huge Christmas tree adorned their living room, all the gifts were scattered under it, the house smelled of freshly baked cookies, muffins, cupcakes, Liam's favourite lasagna, Louis' favourite chicken and of course Harry's special birthday cake for Louis. Every year, he made a different cake for him.

He styled his hair in a bun, coz it got too long and always fell over his eyes, he wore a green hoodie, which Zayn bought for him and black jeans. He finally wore his glasses, that's when a bark caught his attention. Coco strolled into his room and nuzzled his thighs. He bent down and kissed her head, she started licking his face. With much effort, he pulled away his face and wiped it with a tissue. He went down stairs with Coco, where the guests started arriving.

He first saw Niall and Olivia, who were greeting his dad. Liam went to them, Coco left him and ran towards the kitchen.

"Hey, Niall, Merry Christmas" He hugged him. It was a shock to Liam himself, how much he had changed. There was once a time when he'd only talk to Harry and Louis among their friends, but now not a day passes by if he didn't talk to Niall, Olivia and Perrie. And Zayn, well Zayn had become his lifeline.

"Merry Christmas, Liam. Where's your brother? Does he want to make a special entrance?" Niall asked.

Liam didn't reply and wished Olivia, "Merry Christmas, Liv"

"A very happy Christmas to you too, Liam. Wow, you're glowing more than the lights, excited about New York huh" She teased him.

He knew what she was talking about. The package Perrie gave him yesterday was slipped deep inside his suitcase. He doesn't know, once they reach, if he'll be able to open it or not.

Liam blushed, "Shut up, it's the lights' effect"

Harry interrupted them, "Liam, here you are, I've been searching for you"

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