“It’s alright...” My face became more red.

We went through Scotland Yard police that was little in chaos.

“ Jack The Ripper...” That must be it.

“ It seemed like the police can’t handle this “ Albert stated his opinion.

“Right.. but needs to be given a lesson. Howcome a human killed other humans in such inhuman way” I remembered the victims.

“ I hope he got caught soon “ Albert continued looking front.

Albert took me home and I said my goodbyes.

“Ekhm!” Jane. stood in front of my house.

“Jane!” I was embarrassed.

“Pardon me, come in Ms. Shaw” Jane bowed.

Both of us went into the house.

*Knock knock*
I put down my groceries and went opening the door.

“Good afternoon, what can I do for you— Mr. Lestrade?” I was shocked looking at his pale face with a small luggage.

“Good afternoon, Ms. Shaw... I’m sorry to bother you “ Lestrade looked nervous.

“Mr. Lestrade... are you alright?” I smiled.

“Ye-yes..” He became more pale.

Lestrade held the back of his head while looking at other things.

“Mr. Lestrade, is there anything I can do for you?” I became more and more confused.

“P-pardon me.. I need your help...”

*Place skip*


Lestrade asked me to accompany him meeting Sherlock because i looked like a “close friend” of his.

“First victim, a prostitute that was last seen with a man, 6 feet tall, blonde and light colored skin”
“Her body was found in a really terrible condition with stabs on the neck and her inner organs was taken”

“A week later, another prostitute was found lifeless after meeting with a man, this time 5’5 feet tall with dark skin. Same method of killing.”
“According to a witness, both of them might be the murderer.”

“Right before the investigation started, the murderer mailed the media and called himself “Jack the Ripper””

Lestrade explained using a small puppet show.

“Le-Lestrade... Did you make all of this?” Sherlock looked at him who was holding a“Jack the Ripper” puppet.

 Did you make all of this?” Sherlock looked at him who was holding a“Jack the Ripper” puppet

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