"I'm guessing so." Mom says.

"Where's the medal ceremony?" Mama asks

"In the building behind you." Kyra says

"There's our gold medalist." Mommy says then our mom's hug Kyra.

The mom's kiss Kyra's cheeks and tell her how proud they are of her then my twin hugs Jackie before she hugs and kisses her soulmate.

"I gotta go change, but I'll see you in there." Kyra says.

All of us nod so Kyra and Simba walk away then the rest of us head to the medal ceremony building.

When we get inside the building, we are led to a reserved row for us so we all sit down and wait.

"I still think it's BS that the IOC made that rule." I say.

The IOC made a rule where if an athlete or anyone from an Athlete's family doesn't stand for the national anthem of their country during the medal ceremony then the athlete's medal will be stripped.

Myself and multiple other athlete's are fighting this ban in court.

"I do to Bubba." Mama says.

A few minutes later the medal ceremony begins and the three medalist walk to the podium


Everyone claps then Arielle Gold steps up onto the podium and gets her medal and a stuffed version of the Oslo 2022 Olympic Mascot.


Everyone claps then Chloe steps up onto the podium and gets her medal and a stuffed version of the Oslo 2022 Olympic Mascot.


Everyone claps then Kyra steps up onto the podium and gets her medal and a stuffed version of the Oslo 2022 Olympic Mascot.

Once everyone has their medal, the American anthem plays so all of us in Kyra's row stand up.

Not gonna lie I can't even remember the last time I stood for the anthem.

After the Anthem ends, the three American's pose for pictures then Kyra and Simba step off the podium and come over to us.

"My babies a gold medalist." Mommy says as she hugs Kyra then she sniffles.

"Mommy." Kyra whines.

"Sorry Babygirl." Mommy says then she kisses Kyra's cheek.

"Ky you wanna go get your gear?" I ask.

"Yeah." Kyra says then we head to the backstage area with our puppies.

Once we're obscured from view I hand Kyra her engagement ring box.

"Here." I say.

"Thanks." Kyra says then she hands me her board bag and her duffle bag of gear. "Wait 2 minutes then follow us up to the halfpipe."

"You got it." I say then my twin and I head back to our family.

"I'm gonna take Simba to the bathroom before we leave." Kyra says then she looks at Jordyn. "Wanna join?"

"Of course." Jordyn says then she and Kyra intertwine their hands and leave the building

Once my sister and hopefully soon-to-be sister in Law are out of the building I look at my Mom.

"You got your camera?" I ask

"Uh yeah." Mom says and holds up her camera.

"Good." I say. "Cause Kyra's about to Propose."

"WHAT." My Mom's shout.

"And if you'd like to see her propose and take pictures then please follow me." I say.

Everyone nods so I pickup Kyra's stuff then lead everyone up to the halfpipe.

"I knew she was gonna propose, but I didn't know when." Mama says.

"Where's she proposing?" Mommy asks.

"Halfpipe." I say.


A minute or so later we arrive at the halfpipe and see Jordyn and Kyra talking while looking up at the halfpipe.

"Hide." I whisper then my family and I hide from Jordyn and Kyra.

A minute or so later, Kyra gets down on knee, shows the ring, then she pops the question.

Jordyn quickly says yes then Kyra slips the ring on her finger and kiss her now fiancée.

"YES." I shout as I jump up. "I'M GONNA HAVE A SISTER-IN-LAW."

"Baba." Jackie says. "Don't ruin the moment."

"SHIT." I shout. "SORRY."

Kyra and Jordyn both chuckle then they walk over with Simba and Nala.

"My babies growing up." Mama says.

"Mama." Kyra whines.

"Oh shush." Mommy says then she and Mama hug Kyra.

"So." Mom whispers. "When're you proposing?"

"Soon." I say. "Very very soon."

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