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Terriana's POV

I jerked out of my sleep, with my mirror hand out to attack and my eyes adjusting to the light seeping in, through the cracks and dusty windows. Whispers and subtle movement caught my eye and I lunge from my corner mirror gripped firmly in my hand.

"Got her!" I was so close, I jumped straight into ones arm, I didn't even see him, fuck.

"Let me go!" I wailed at him, I thrash at his back, which I've been thrown over. I screamed, I landed punches but nothing seems to even get a reaction out of the muscular beast. After a while I got so tired and disoriented from being upside down and trying to break free, I was thrown to the ground and bumped my head.

His lips on my body was heavenly, the way his fingers dung into my flesh like a deep tissue massage with a slice of him for dessert. The way he stared at me the morning after like I was his world wrapped around him on his bed. I've never done anything like that before, but I wanted him so bad and his actions spoke volume because god knows he wanted me just as fucking bad.

When he introduced me as his girlfriend I was freaked out inside, I was weighing the 'is he crazy' or just stroking my ego after the crazy night we had. No man had every made me orgasm and it felt phenomenal, the way his tongue caressed my folds, how much restraint he had when trying to hold out longer. The way his defined V was taunting me all night, I just wanted to lick it. The way his tool drove in and out of me with clean strokes, the animalistic sounds he made, the way his lops would part or how my juices trickled at the sides of his lips.


I woke with a sputter, coughing up water, no gasoline, judging by the looks of it, seems as if I passed out, and revived by a very unnecessary splash to the fucking face.

"The fuck!" As I shook my head trying to clear my hair to see straight with all that was happening around me. My arms were hurting the more I flexed, then I realized I couldn't even move my arms. Looking through my thick gasoline soaked lashes I saw the ropes. Am tied around the waist with my arms pulled behind me, bound at my wrists, plus sitting on the ground.

"You fucked it all up, ten years of plotting and scheming all lost, all my guns all my ammunitions were seized by the fucking FBI, right in front my eyes, you little whore!" he rants on like the lunatic he obviously has become. Never would I have imagined a reunion with my father like this. Tied to the same shack I hid from him in, drenched in gasoline, even my panties were soak and greasy after a lack of showering in god knows how many days.

"What are you talking about, untie me!" I screamed at him, but it only seems to fall on deaf ears. I watched as he paced the room, his reflection in the shards of glass and puddle of oil looking more menacing by the second. What happened to him, where's the man that raised me, the man that taught me how to throw darts and play hide and seek, and shoot a gun. Where's the man that taught me self-defense and how to throw a real punch and not like a girl.

He had a lighter in his hand, with each pace he would pull the trigger and it would ignite and slowly die down. Is he really going to burn me alive, his eyes seemed so empty, each time he called me a whore I fell a little deeper into the ground. With each mention of my mother, my heart sank a little deeper into my chest. Then he stopped and looked at me, no he looked passed me, that's when my blood ran cold, the look he gave was lethal, if looks could kill I would be dead already.

"Let me go! HELPPP, HELP!" I screamed at the stop of my lungs trying to wiggle out of my bonds as he nears me with the lighter lite. "Please?" I whimpered, completely thrown, has it really been so long since I was his little sunshine. Was I really imagining the affection before he snapped? "Dadddd!" I screamed at him trying to break free from these ropes.

"I haven't been anyone's dad in year's sweetheart." He says to me, completely void of any emotions.


His fingers imprint must be across my face with the force he connected with, hard, swift like a blade, my jaw clenched and my eyes started to leak the tears that swelled the moment realization hit, am not getting out of this. No one is coming to save this damsel, I thought to myself as my face stung from his hand and the wetness from the oil I was drenched in.

"Pleasssse dad, what do you want from me?" I squeaked out, defeated as ever before.

"Absolutely nothing, I wanted you to join me, help build my legacy, help me rid the world of the US army that cast me out like dirt once they got what they wanted from me, that think their better than me." What the hell was he going on about, he was never in the army, mom was, for years, I would have known if he was in the army too. My eyes pressed close as he swings his arm too close to me with the lighter in hand as if I don't stink of gas and could light up this little shed like a Christmas tree.


His hand comes down on my other jaw like a bat would a ball. I screamed in pain and the flood gates completely break free. "Pleeease!" I wheeze out coughing up blood at this point, my muscles ached, I could feel the rope burns and my mind was doing summersaults, completely drained from the surplus of pain.

"No one's dying today love, we just want what we came for and we'll be on our way, right?" Oh my god. As if he slapped some sense into me, I finally realized how dumb I really am, it was him, invading my mind my body and just strangling my soul at the worst possible time, Vinte.

He robbed Jess's store, well the clients in it, and roughed everyone up. But... that doesn't make sense, why would he do that. "Did you send him to fuck me?" the most revolting question spews out of my mouth to my once father, calling him my father felt worse than the pain he was inflicting on me.

"Please, don't insult my abilities you little whore, or blame me for being a little slut like your mother." He spits at me as if I've stroke a nerve, Vinte said he didn't move my car, so, GOD am so confused right now.

"Did you move my car too?" I breathed heavily, totally spent from adrenaline and quivering from the cold air that brushes my soaked skin.

"You're very easy to stalk child, I needed to make sure you were really alive, besides I needed your address." He retorted like the egotistical prick he's become.

"So you've been following me?" I heave, shaking from the memory of being locked in a cage, from the gruesome stories the girls said that they endured. Trying to speak through the massive lump in my throat, trying not to jump to conclusions as to why he was watching me.

"My men have been tailing you, but kept taking pictures of your friend, you know what they say, want something done right do it yourself." He snide. "Boss we got to go, there closing in on us." One of the men from outside shouts.

"Untie me please!" I say, out of breath and frantic, he laughs humorlessly at me.

"Good bye sunshine." As if the words meant nothing, as if he hadn't walked away six years ago without saying those same words, he spins and marches out of the dusty little hut. I screamed as loud as I could ignoring the cracks in my voice, the aches all over my body, the swollen numbness of my cheeks. My eyes stung from crying and my arms burned from the ropes, the heel of my shoes dug into the broken ply boards that sheet the floor. Slipping every time on the gasoline soaked boards, then I heard the crackles from outside, the sting of smoke in my eyes and the heat gradually filling the small unit.


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