I smiled and turned around, I took a few steps out of the kitchen and stopped. I could just feel something is off.

She wasn't herself, she hasn't been all day. Something had to of happened for her to be like that.

"We are going to fix this." I heard aiden say.

What was needed to be fixed? I let out a sigh and walked back into the dining room to see Adam, Aiden's mom and dad sat there, just talking among themselves in pashto.

Adam looked up and smiled at me. "Is Elena and Aiden bringing the cake?"

I sat down by Adam but across his mom and dad. I nodded at Adam. "Yeah they are, they said they were making tea too."

"Mara, that means they'll be long." Adam said as he rolled his eyes and let out a sigh. "Aiden always does this when Elena comes."

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing. Aiden is just always with Elena and Elena is always with Aiden."

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

"Ahaha, it's a good thing cause they've been best friends for long." Adam replied with a chuckle. "They understand each other well, all they have to do is give a look to each other."

"Awh, that's sweet." I said with a smile on my face, but shocked inside of what he was saying. "They definitely define the meaning of best friends forever."

"Ah, they do actually."

"Rayanna!" Aiden's mom spoke as she looked at me. "Do you want to see the dresses that I got Elena?"

I looked at her and nodded. "Yeah sure."

"If you like any, I'll get you some too."She said as she got up from her chair.

" No, no it's okay. "

She smiled."Let me go and get them." She then walked out of the room.

Aiden dad got up and smiled at me. "It's nearly time for prayers, it was nice seeing you."

"You too, uncle."

He nodded then left the room. Then the call to prayer began, it sounded so nice and peaceful then it ended.

"It's prayer time."Adam said as he got up from his seat."I better go get Aiden."

"Oh okay."

He left the room. I pulled out my phone from my side bag, I turned it on to see a message from Nassar.

Nassar - Hey, I've texted elena, she hasn't seen it. Do you know what time you are coming home?

Nassar - Text me as soon as you can, I'll come after you guys if you need me to.

Shit. We had to get home too, I looked at the time to see it was 9pm. I didn't even know they were excepting us back at what time.

What if it got Elena into trouble?

I quickly got up from my seat and sprinted to the kitchen to see Aiden and Elena still there talking.

"Elena!" I yelled as I stood in front of them, trying to catch my breath.

She walked in front of Aiden and looked at me with a worried expression. "What's wrong? Has something happened?"

"N-Nassar texted me. What time are we supposed to get home?"

She let out a sigh and looked at Aiden then looked at me. "When Aiden comes back from prayers, he'll take us home."

"Should I text him that?"

Elena nodded. "He should know that already but yeah text him if you want to."

I nodded. Aiden looked at me. "I'll take you guys after I come back from prayers." Then he left the kitchen.

I looked at Elena. "Is everything okay?"

She smiled and nodded. "Everything is perfect, are you okay? Did you like today?"


Justine - Hey, how are you? You good?

I looked at the message and let out a sigh, i placed my phone on the dressing table and walked outside to the balcony. I walked towards the bar and rest my arms on there as I looked at Peshawar. To think my parents could be here in this city right now and so many questions I want to ask them.

My mind wondered to Elena, something was going on with her and she wasn't telling me any of it. Maybe it was something to do with Faron cause they did seem off the other day but then couples do have issues.

Nassar, he was so sweet. Asking about me like that and always checking up on me. I looked down to see Naz stood there with a cigarette in his mouth, blowing circles in the air. Just looking at him brought butterflies and my cheeks heated up to the colour red.

But he's married.

He's married with a child.

And his brother is Nassar.

I shook my head, trying to get ride of these thoughts. I was here to find my family, find some answers about me, where I am from and who was my mom and dad?

That's what I'm here for, that is what my focus is.

Finding my family. Not love.

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