Chapter 5 - so this is how i live now

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George POV:
I woke up in the bed again. I blink my eyes a few times as an attempt to get them to focus. I move a bit to the side and feel something behind me. I turn around slowly. Dream. He was lying next to me, but he was facing the other way. I shuffle my body towards the edge of the bed, sliding my feet to the side. I slowly stand up and try to steady myself with my arm, but I wince in pain. I look down and remember what happened yesterday. My arm was wrapped quite neatly, considering I slept with the bandage on. I look back at the bed and see Dream sleeping peacefully. I carry myself to the mirror. I was in the same clothes I was in yesterday, and the day before. I sigh. "What am I doing?" I thought to myself. "I can just run down the stairs and out the door right now". I actually thought about it for a second. But then the silence was broken. "I wouldn't do that if I were you" I hear from behind me. I turn around quickly to see Dream sitting at the end of the bed. "What?" I answer, confused at what words just came out of his mouth. "You said you can just run down the stairs and out the door? I wouldn't do that if I were you". I could feel myself go red, or, pale? I wasn't sure anymore. "I didn't know"- I began. "You didn't know you said it out loud, I know". He replied. I turn back around looking in the mirror. "You do know that we can get you new clothes, right, George?" I look back at him and he signals me to follow him, probably to the closet. We walk towards the door and he opens it. The lights turn on again, lighting up the huge room. "Go on." He tells me. I nod and walk around the huge room. He stands at the door watching me roam and look through the shelves upon shelves of clothing. I found a light beige crew neck sweater and put it over my arm. I go to the pants and find a pair of loose black ripped jeans. I turn and Dream signals me to follow him again. "These are actually really nice" I think to myself. I follow him down the hall and he leads me into a really nice bathroom. Marble everything, a huge Jacuzzi next to a beautiful window. A huge mirror in the corner of the room, a shower behind the door, exposed when you close it. I was amazed. This shit was as big as my actual room back at home. I was snapped out of my gaze when I heard the door shut. Dream had left me to change. I slip off the shirt I was wearing and pull the crew neck over my head. I slip on the jeans, which actually fit really well. I look at myself in the mirror. Nice. I open the door and Dream is standing at the end of the hall in new clothes, a dark green sweater with a white collar layered underneath it, Black sweatpants and his usual rings and necklace. I must have been staring or something. "George, stop staring, you'll make me blush". He exclaims with a smirk plastered on his face, which of course, makes me blush. Damnit. Every time. He starts walking downstairs, I start to follow him but he stops me right in my tracks. "Where do you think you're going?" He asked me. I was clearly confused because he sighed and looked at me. "You need to stay up here George, I have a meeting and other business to attend to, I don't need you running around the halls of this place. I will come and give you dinner at five-thirty tonight, if you're hungry there's a mini fridge and a snack cupboard in the room." I was actually okay with this, free food, water, I get to be alone. What's not to like? I nodded in agreement as he started walking down the stairs again, but suddenly he stopped. "Oh yeah and George, you will attend tonight's meeting at nine o'clock, so be ready please". "Okay" I replied. I walk back to my room, thinking about what the meeting might be about. How long would I be here anyways? Would they just let me go at some point? I honestly had no idea. I make it to the room and search around for the snack cupboard. I finally find it underneath the t.v. stand. I open the cupboard door and I practically have a heart attack out of excitement. Cookies, brownies, crackers, chips, granola bars, gummies, candy, you name it. Everything was in there. To the left of the beautiful sight was a mini fridge, I opened it and with no surprise, it was just as glorious. Many types of drinks and pops sat on the top shelf. On the bottom was a selection of ice cream pints. I pick out cookie dough and open the lid, it hasn't been touched. I search the cupboard for cutlery and find spoons. I grab one and dip it into the ice cream. It did not disappoint. Before I knew it I had finished half the pint and I decided to stop eating. I search the room for a remote, hopefully for the t.v. I found it in the drawer of the side table, next to the bed. I hop onto the bed and press the power button. The t.v. switches on and I immediately regret my decision. The t.v. had turned on the news. The only thing I could see was my face. "George Davidson, missing for two days, if found, immediately call the police and contact authorities. $100,000 reward. My shoulders shrunk. I break down. Tears start flowing down my cheeks at a rapid pace. Before I know it I'm a bawling mess. Millions of thoughts filled my head. What if no one finds me? What if I stay here forever? I'm done for. This is the end of George Davidson.

Dream POV:
I'm done with my first meeting of the day and check the time. One o'clock. Time to bring lunch and check on George. I quickly make a sandwich and pour a glass of water. I leave the kitchen and walk towards the stairs. I carefully carry the food up the staircase and successfully make it to the top. I suddenly hear something coming from George's room. It sounded like... muffled crying? I walked to the door. That's definitely what it was. I creak open the door slowly and immediately see George on the bed, huddled in a ball, pouring his eyes out. I quickly set the dishes onto the dresser and run to him. He doesn't even flinch when I accidentally touch his arm. I hear a sound and look to the other side of the room. Oh god. Oh Jesus no no no no. I snatched the remote from George's quivering hand and turned the t.v. off. I climbed onto the bed with George and held him in my arms. He shivered, so I held him tighter. "It's ok", I said, "it's gonna be ok George, please don't worry". He stopped shaking. He looked up at me, tear stains streaked down his cheeks. "Promise?" I looked down at him and hugged him tighter. I rested my head on his shoulder from above and whispered, "I promise". But nothing came back to me. I looked down and saw he was asleep. At that moment, I felt like the luckiest man to ever walk this earth.

1315 words

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