Electrified Touch

Start from the beginning


The remainder of the weekend was majority uneventful. No akuma's. No drama. No heartache. Marinette really couldn't help but feel refreshed and relaxed as she headed into school the following Monday morning.

The same couldn't be said for Adrien. Saturday was taken with the world's longest and most boring photoshoot, followed by a Sunday lying to his "soulmate". After spending the majority of the day on a publicised date with Kagami, he could guarantee he was the world's worst boyfriend. He hated lying to her. He was just glad he didn't have to lie about escaping. For once Scarlett Moth had been silent. He'd left them alone the entire weekend.

When Adrien's car finally pulled up outside the school gates, he gingerly stepped out and made his way up the steps and into the school grounds. He didn't want to talk to anybody. He didn't want to see anybody. He just wanted to go home and think about this situation he was currently settled in. Settled? Yeah, that wasn't the right word. Stuck would be more like it.

"Hey dude, you ready for today?" Adrien turned to find Nino approaching from the boys restroom. Adrien couldn't help but give him a once over. Nino was dressed in sweatpants and his usual tee. The sweatpants looked as though they were about to fall down.

"Hey man," Adrien greeted his friend with the usual fist bump. "You do realise everyone can see your underwear right?"

Nino nodded and slapped his hand to Adrien's shoulder.

"It's the look, my dude. If we're going to be dancing all day I need to express myself. We can't all look like a modern Hercules."

Adrien looked down at his own attire and laughed. A black <em>Gabriel</em> tracksuit, edged with green stripes and a matching green butterfly placed delicately against one of his pecks. The tracksuit was well fitted and Adrien felt good. The extra working out as Chat Noir had helped him in the long run, and this tracksuit left little or nothing to the imagination. He couldn't help but wonder what Marinette would think when she saw him, then he couldn't help but wonder why he was thinking about Marinette.

"Well, we all can't be blessed in the physical department." Adrien flexed his muscle causing Nino to shake his head, why was his friend such a doofus?

"Speak for yourself." The guys turned round at Alya's voice. She was standing next to a shy and unconfident, Marinette.

Adrien couldn't help his face (and bodies) reaction to what he was seeing. The worst of it all, he would be spending the day dancing with her. Up close and in her space. Now he knew his mind would be wandering back to the Goddess in front of him. He mentally slapped himself, she was just a good friend. He has a soulmate ... actually, his brain interfered, you don't have a soulmate yet and she is gorgeous.

Standing in front of the boys was making Marinette feel nervous. After the weekend she had, she thought she would be feeling brave and confident, she'd had sleep after all. However, right at this moment she felt neither. Adrien, and Nino, were ogling at her. Her choice of clothing may not have been the strong independent style she was going for. Her leggings were black with green flecks over them, the material grasping to all her curves and features thanks to the strenuous activities of being a superhero, whilst her top was a cropped, off the shoulder sweater, complete with paw print. Under her crop was a matching black sports bra. Not only did her outfit scream Chat Noir, it also screamed ...

"Oh wow!" Alix had entered the locker room, stopping short when she saw her two oblivious superhero friends. "Your matching!" She burst out laughing as she continued to her own locker. Shaking her head as though she was part of an inside joke.

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