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“Michael, come back here. Where do you think you are going?”

“I am late for work Amarachi! If you don’t leave my trouser this moment, I will do something that you will regret forever,”

“See this mumu o, you think I am like your ex wife that you were beating up and down? If you try that with me, you will lose your manhood first then you’ll wake up and see yourself in the police station,” Amarachi hissed. Michael got married to her six months after his divorce with Uduak and since then, his life had never remained the same. Instead of a submissive wife, he got the total opposite. She was dirty, wasted his money on material things and cheated on him several times with other men.

“What do you want?” he asked, for peace to reign

“You know what I want Mike. Give me the one hundred and fifty thousand naira I asked and you will be free to go,”

“I don’t have that kind of money now, not after you got two hundred thousand naira two weeks ago. By the way, what did you use the money for?”

“That is none of your business. Just send me the money and stop asking silly questions”

“And if I don’t?”

“Let’s see how you will go to work then,” she said and locked the door and left him there in the sitting room.

“Amarachi! Amara! What is wrong with you? Come and open this door for me now or else,”

“You will do nothing, you infertile, low life bastard” Amarachi shouted from the kitchen.

“What did I get myself into?” Michael pondered and rested his two hands on his head. His house was on fire and there was absolutely nothing he could do about. He even lost his Job in the bank after he was accused of stealing a huge sum of money and since then, his new wife made his life miserable. Once, he came back and there was no food. Just like he normally did to Uduak, he used his belt on her. Amarachi made sure he slept in the prison for a whole one week and was made to sign an undertaking that he will never lay his hands on her again. On other incidents, she made him sleep outside if he came home later than 8pm.

The height of it was when she beat up his mother for calling her barren. She beat her up so bad that she landed in the hospital. Since then, she began to sleep around. He’d hear people talk about it but he didn’t believe them until he caught her on their matrimonial bed with another man. Each time he threatened her with a divorce, she’d break things in the house so he stopped using that card on her.

God! He missed Uduak. She was everything a man needs in a woman but he became so blinded to notice that. Now, he will forever live with the regret of letting her go.

Are you still following the story? Did you see this coming? I bet you didn't 😃

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