No. 1 Dad Protocol

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No. 1 Dad Protocol
The chesty coughs he hears makes his own chest hurt. Tony didn't like that sound. His kid is sick. He didn't like that either. Peter manage to finish half his meal before pushing the plate away. Grimacing at how he can't taste the food he just ate. 

"Here, this will hopefully get rid of that nasty cough." Tony hands him some tylenol and he drinks it with a glass of orange juice. Tony's hands are cupping his neck and then both sides of his face right after. Then his forehead then back on his neck again.

"You're still so warm." Peter huffs out pushing the boy's fringe away from his pale face.

"Here, I'll stick this on you and we'll huddle up over the couch. How 'bout some movie before you crash?" Peter hums out sipping into his juice while Tony sticks a cooling patch over his forehead. He flinch at the cold gel, shivering a bit which made Tony pull his hand-knitted blanket over his shoulders.

"Did May knit this?" It's the blanket May packed. It even has Peter's name in the corner. 

"No.. uh.. my Mom did." Peter pulls the blanket closer to his nose, inhaling the soft fabric.

"Oh.. you kept it well." It still looks new. 

"May would always hand wash it since it's the only thing my Mom left for me as a memento. Well aside from some pictures." Peter smiles a bit and that small smile spreads as Tony leans in to kiss his head.

"I'm sure she's so proud of you right now. Like how May and I am." Peter nods, leaning his head over Tony's chest and his mentor hugs him for a second before pulling him up to his feet.

"Okay, couch now. You need to rest."
Tony guided him to a pillow nest in his couch which Peter sits on. Tony sits next to him with Peter taking his arm and wrapping it around his shoulders so he can scootch over to his side. The back of his head is leaning over Tony's chest. 

"You're such a cuddle bug." Tony nuzzles over Peter's curls, smiling as he fix Peter's blanket and wrapping it around him.

"Pick a movie already, cuddle bug." Peter yelps out, bursting into giggles as Tony tickles his side. His flush cheeks brightens, and he nuzzles against Tony's side before relaxing again.

"Any Pixar movie will be fine." 

"Finding Nemo it is then, Jar." Peter rolls his eyes at Tony's choice.

"Stop it!" Peter giggles again when Tony pokes his side.

The movie plays and they sat in a comfortable silence with Jarvis dimming the lights with the movie night protocol. 

Half way through the movie Peter's coughs came back. Making Tony reach out on the coffee table to grab some cough drops. 

"Here." Tony gave him one, slightly easing the coughs.

"Tell me if you're having trouble breathing okay?" Peter nods against his chest and Tony pulls another blanket to wrap around him. 

"Sir, I apologize for the interruption but you have guests." 

"Did Rhodey went back already? I thought he had something to do?" Rhodey left awhile ago after Peter's check up. He said he's being called of to another mission.

"Yes sir but he's now back with Mr. Steve Rogers and Ms. Natasha Romanov." Tony tenses up, looking down at Peter who lets out another cough. 

"Tell them, I can't meet them right now."

"They are insisting it's an urgent matter." Tony curses under his breath, making Peter look up at him with worry.

"Tones, I'm really sorry but it's snowing outside and they called me for cover." That's Rhodey's only warning as a bloodied Steve Rogers and Natasha came in. Natasha's pressing a cloth over her bleeding side and Steve on his shoulder. 

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