Fatherhood and the flu season

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Fatherhood and the flu season
"Mr. Stark, look I did it!" Peter quickly went over his mentor's workstation dropping 3 spider bots over his table.

"Really Pete? Let's see now.. Karen?" Tony looks down smiling at the kid who's vibrating next to him as he leans down over the spiders.

"Hello there, Mr. Stark and Peter. Looks like the program is working well." Karen didn't speak from the walls or the ceiling. Her voice came out of the three spiderbots.

"Wow. I have my own AI installed in my bots."

"I checked your program kid, tracking device is on. Video Monitors are on. Surveillance programs working. Web shooters working. She's also connected with JARVIS in your phone and in your laptop. She's program to control the webs right? Even without your phone." Tony says scrolling through the codes on the holographic screen.

"Yes! She's voice activated like Jarvis." Tony ruffles his curls and he giggles as the spiders started shooting webs on the ceiling. One of them is already crawling on the ceiling.

"Good job, kid." Peter beams at his mentor's praise looking at same colored browns that's swimming with pride.

"So proud of you, Pete." Peter blushes a bit, looking up at his bots on the ceiling. They're already making a cobweb there.

"Should we leave them be because I have to feed their creator something or your Aunt will have to remind me again." Tony ruffles his hair more before closing all their monitors.

"Yeah, I'm famished." Peter cleans up his workstation, placing his books and notes in his bag.

"Karen? Are they okay up there?" Peter asks looking up at the spiders now lounging on cobwebs they made.

"Yes, Peter. Your spiderbots seems to like it up here." Karen chimes in. 

"C'mon kid!" Tony wraps an arm over his shoulder maneuvering the boy to his side and out of the lab.
"Hey Mr. Stark! It's snowing! It's been awhile. We meet up on a weather like this back in February right?" Peter jumps out of his seat from the counter and he runs towards the windows. Mouth gaping at the site.

"You're kidding.. it's been that long huh. Feels like I've known you longer though" Tony says with a mouth full of chicken and mash. Smiling at the boy right after. Peter saved him from a snow storm and ever since then they become so close. 

"Yeah, me too!" Peter chuckles. 

"Do you still have school in this weather?" He asks as Peter sits back on his chair next to Tony. 

"Yeah. We still have the decathlon championship on Thursday too." Tony hums placing his fork down.

"You know kid uh.. I was meaning to ask this last week but.."

"Yes, Mr. Stark what is it?" 

"Well if its okay to.. you know come with May and Happy to see your competition?" Tony showed a shaky smile not knowing how to ask this. He didn't want to sound too involve with the kid he grew so fond of but as much as he wanted to deny it.. He's already in too deep.

"No way! I would love that! Thank you, Mr. Stark!" Peter was once again out of his chair but this time he's launching himself in Tony's already awaiting arms. Knowing the kid's surprise hug attacks as he calls it. The big smile and the trajectory gives it away. Or maybe it's just because he'll hug the kid even if the kid didn't initiate.

Normally before he does gesture a hug the kid will always beat him to it. 

"Also.. How many times do I have to tell you to call me Tony?" He says against Peter's curls. Peter looks up earning a kiss on his forehead making him sigh at the gesture. An image of his Dad giving him forehead kisses every time he tucks him to bed flashes through his vision.
Then Tony's face covers it.

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