Life Begins After Coffee

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Peter Parker is just your normal kid who lives in Queens, New York. Living day by day as a genius scholar kid. With everything he tries so hard to acquire for as less as he could. What can an orphan do anyway?

He who lives in a small café run by Aunt who took him in even if they're not even related by blood at all. She is the wife of his Uncle who also died together with his parents from a car crash. They were trying to go home to them but all three of them didn't make it.

So the two who were left alone continued on living. 

Day by day even with the little money they have. They can eat and have coffee and that's all that matters.. for now.

"Happy birthday, hun." May kisses his cheek giving him a slice of chocolate cake from the café. They are yet to open. As early as 4am, they are both awake and prepping. As the only two employee's of their small café.

"I can't believe you're already 14 and yet Jeff's 12 year old daughter is taller than you." Peter rolls his eyes.

"I'm still growing May." 

"Sure hun.. and.. also..  I'm sorry you have work during your school break. You know these are the only times that the café sells enough to pay the rent." Peter smiles reassuring May.

"May, I understand. Really.. this is all I can do for you for taking me in." May ruffles his curls that she smiles at. Same curls as his late husband. The Parker blood.

"Oh Pete.. I will never ever regret taking you with me. We can do this together no matter what." May gave him a side hug and he smiles at her. A rare short smile.

"Now make a wish and blow your candle." Peter takes a breath in closing his eyes. 

I wish May will never get my stupid parker luck. I hope she'll be happy and not be burden with me anymore. 
Peter opens his eyes and blows his tiny candle.

"Okay now eat that and help me open up right after. Happy Birthday, love you." Peter nods and May kisses his head before going.

"Love you too." He ate his cake slice fast and opens the café with May. 

His life is simple. A life of an asthmatic nerd who likes to build computers and robots using scraps and some dumpster diving here and there. He even built his own computer set from broken parts left in the trash. 

The day was longer as everyone seeks for the comfort of a cup of hot coffee in a freezing weather. Their old glass window freezes and snow fell while the sun didn't even peek out from the dark clouds. 

"You good hun? We're gonna close in half an hour." May takes of his apron and hairnet smiling at her nephew who's currently wiping off the coffee cups.

"Yep, I can manage May. There's no more customers anyway." The day finally ended with ghost streets and everyone retreating into the warmth of their own homes. 

"Okay then. I'll go to the grocery store and buy some supplies. Maybe pick up some food for dinner on the way. I'll be back in a few." May says fixing her hair and grabbing her bag.

"Hmm, take care." She wore her thick winter coat and wore her boots. 
May head out and the café door's chimes clinks and  clangs as the door opens and closes. Peter then finish washing and wiping all the used coffee cups. Now wiping off the round tables one by one, checking the clock on the wall reading 9:30pm. He walks to the door to flip the sign from 'open' to 'close' but he was startled by someone pushing the door open letting the cold breeze in and a man wearing a suit and a red tie. 

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