Stark Internship

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Stark Internship

"Mr. Stark?" Peter's face lits up as he opens the door with Tony Stark wearing his navy suit with a loose maroon tie. He's wearing a dark brown winter coat over it. His signature glasses and his goatee finally growing back. He trimmed his overgrown curls finally looking like the Tony Stark he sees in the TV, magazines, interviews and in news articles in the internet. 

"Hey there, kid. I was suddenly craving for the Parker coffee. My driver, Happy passed by your shop. But I guess I came in too late again huh?" Tony looks so different from before that Peter was once again awestruck. 

"N-No, it's fine! I was just gonna heat up our Dinner.. uh.. if it's okay with you, Mr. Stark. Will you join us for Dinner again?" Peter fiddles with his brown barista apron with their café's logo on it, making Tony notice how worn out his apron was.

"Wow, coffee and dinner? What did I do to deserve such generosity?" Tony claps his hands together and then taking off his coat.

"I-I'll take that.. p-please sit down, I'll call Aunt May." Peter grabs his coat and he smiles so wide because he knows even without answering him, Tony's already staying. 

"And there he goes.." Tony watches the kid runs off, hugging his coat. A smile stretching out his face.

"Boss, I just parked the car. The café is closed, how did you get in?" Happy Hogan came in with his usual scowling face that smoothens out when he sees Tony's facial expression.

"Huh.. it's been so long since I saw that look on you." 

"What look?" 

"I call it the Pepper only deserves Tony's smile look."


"But I guess it's not only Pepper look. You show it to Rhodey too.. and me sometimes. Let's just change it to Tony's very rare fond look." Happy shrugs off his coat.

"Hmm.. maybe I am fond of him."


"Oh Mr. Stark you came back and with company too." May went down already changed out of their café uniform. Her hair that was in a cap and hairnet is now flowing in waves over her shoulders.

"Hello there Peter's Aunt Hottie." May laughs as she reach out her hand to shake hands with him.

"Oh yeah, May. This is Happy Hogan my driver, Happy this is May. She's the owner of this shop." Tony says and Happy stares at her reaching out his hand.

"I'm Harold Joseph Hogan, but you can call me Happy.. I don't mind the moniker if it's you." Happy says shaking hands with her. His eyes probably making heart shapes now.

"Nice to meet you, Happy. Why don't you sit down, Peter's preparing our Parker's signature brewed coffee. I'll go prepare Dinner because I know you'll both stay right?" 

"Oh we shouldn't impose--" Happy says but Tony cuts him off.

"Of course May. I'm sorry for the short notice though." Tony says and May just snickers.

"We understand, Mr. Stark--"

"Please call me Tony. Mr. Stark is way too formal."

"Sure Tony. You shouldn't apologize though. Peter's been waiting everyday for you especially now that his school will start in a few days. He won't be able to help much here in the café." She says and Tony nods, thinking about that one night where he searched who the kid was. 

Peter Benjamin Parker loss his parents and uncle who is May's husband in a car crash. He's been orphan just last year with May stepping in as his only guardian. He pulled out all the information and what he finds is that the kid was really smart. One or the top students in a STEM school, Midtown High. He's a scholar and a member of the Decathlon team. He'd been winning so many robotics contest and science fairs ever since he's a little boy.
That's why the kid can keep up with him. The kid is a genius himself.

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