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The day of our departure came closer and closer. I was a little nervous, but mostly very happy.

Our fly started very early in the morning. It took us till the next day to arrive in Los Angeles. Let me tell you, that was the longest flight I ever needed to sit through.

So I stood there waiting for my baggage, thinking about the fact that I still needed to fly the same route three times. It gave me a headache, so I pushed the thought in the back of my head.

Instead I looked around. Slightly too late, cause my suitcase just passed me. I tried to lean over to catch it, but I wasn't fast enough.

My little jump just resulted in me almost knocking over a guy standing next to me. I assured him how sorry I was while slowly backing off. I speedwalked around him in the direction my suitcase was going.

In my mind I said „Don't run. You'll look ridiculous". Yeah... like speedwalking through an airport while dodging confused people was that much more normal.

Amelie: „Elly! You look ridiculous. Stop walking like that."

She lifted my suitcase from the carousel.
Amelie: „And get your bag. It's damn heavy."

I slowed down and smiled at her. She was holding my suitcase and waited for me.

Amelie: „Come on. The others are already heading out. I don't want to loose them after 5 minutes here."

Pulling my bag behind me, I gasped: „Maybe we would have more fun this way."
Amelie just rolled her eyes at me.

We headed through the main entrance of the airport and caught up with the rest of our class. They didn't even notice we were missing. Top notch care taking from my teachers.

Maybe the heat was getting to them. At least I know it was getting to me. The sun was right above us and I had the feeling she made it her business to direct all sun rays only on me.

I saw Amelies tense face, so it was my duty to make her relax.
Elly: "Before we are gunned down by any gangs, the heat will probably kill us."

She gave me a reproachful look. I answered with a grin. Complaining about my stupidity always calms her down.

Elly: "You don't show it, but I know you love my humor."
Amelie: "Yes, I do. But your jokes will cause me dying from a heart attack soon."

We were interrupted by our teacher shush-ing us. Disrespectful much?
He explained that we were about to take a train to Freeridge, since it was a bit out of town.

The boys of our class stormed inside the train as soon as the doors opened. Now it was my turn to roll my eyes.

I lifted my suitcase in the train and helped Amelie with hers. The train was crowded, but luckily we found a place to sit.

When everyone calmed down, our teachers went around and gave out a paper with important telephone numbers, addresses and our plan for the coming week.

Amelie started to study it immediately. She even saved the numbers in her phone.

I was too sweaty to do any of that. It was hot, stuffy and loud. On top of that, I almost didn't sleep in the plane at all. I was tired like hell. So I just used the paper as a fan to get at least a bit of fresh air.

Needless to say that I was more than happy to get off the train after some time.

We stepped out and followed our teachers out of the station. With slightly aggressive hand gestures he motioned for us to gather in a circle.

Another group of people, who didn't look less uncomfortable than us, was waiting near. My brilliant mind concluded that these were our host families.

Amelie: „Can you see the Diaz-brothers?"
I shook my head no.

Mi Amor - Oscar 'Spooky' Diaz/On my block StoryWhere stories live. Discover now