"No," Roseanne said suddenly curious. "Ask me anything." Jennie sighed, almost unable to keep it in. "What's it like," Jennie started, mixing her ice cream around with her spoon. "What's it like to date a girl?"

Roseanne tried not to chuckle at how cute Jennie was right then, and she gave the girl, who was too embarrassed to look at her, a small smile.

"No," Jennie stopped. "I didn't mean it like that, I just, I mean, was it hard to tell your parents? You said that joke, you know, about being trapped in the closet?"

But that was what Jennie was wondering. She did want to know what it was like to date a girl. She always had. But none of the girls she knew had ever dated a girl. But she did also want to know about Roseanne, and she knew this was a more appropriate question. "We don't have to talk about it though if you don't want."

"That's okay," Roseanne let out a breathy laugh. "They were really supportive, both my parents," Roseanne explained. "I mean, they aren't together, but they're still pretty much friends. And so I was able to tell them at the same time. They didn't really react that much, didn't seem like much of a surprise," she laughed again, thinking about her parent's nonchalant expressions.

"I mean, my Dad was a little more surprised, but only because I think he hadn't thought about me dating anyone yet, but he was really great about it."

"How old were you?" Jennie asked.

"Uh fourteen, almost fifteen, I think."

"Woah, that's pretty young," she said. "I mean, most of my friends I know didn't come out until they were sixteen at least. That's awesome, though."

"You have a lot of gay friends?" Roseanne smirked.

"Dancer, remember?" Jennie smiled.

"Oh, yeah," she laughed. "Well I'm sure most of their parents had a hunch," she joked. Jennie laughed and nodded in agreement. She was right. Jennie only knew of one guy she ever had to "guess" on, the rest she knew from the moment she met them. They were all pretty open with her, too.

"So you figured it out pretty early on then? That you liked girls?"

"I don't remember ever liking boys," Roseanne admitted as she took another spoonful of her ice cream. "The hard part wasn't figuring it out. I just had to accept it and myself. I always knew I was different," she shrugged.

"I mean, when all my friends had crushes on 'N Sync or Aaron Carter in second grade, I was busy admiring Jenney Spears and her rockin' bod." Jennie giggled along with Roseanne but quickly felt awful for what the girl had to go through. She couldn't imagine feeling so conflicted at seven years old.

"That must have sucked," she said.

"Yeah," she sighed. "But I feel lucky that I figured it so early. I mean, I know what I like and I know who I am. Most people are confused for some duration of time. And some people never figure it out," she shrugged. The words hit Jennie hard. That's exactly how she was feeling right then: confused. And the beautiful girl sitting across from her sure wasn't helping.

"Yeah," Jennie sighed.

"By the way, in case you were wondering," Roseanne smirked, "being with a girl is incredible." Jennie felt herself begin to flush. "Let me know if you ever want to find out for yourself," Roseanne added, watching as the brunette's face turned ashen.

Jennie felt her heart stop. That was definitely Roseanne flirting, wasn't it? For a moment, Jennie wished she had thought quick enough to flirt back, but the direct comment had taken her too off guard. She couldn't think of anything but what the girl had said. She tried to get out another sentence, but all she could think about was being with the girl. In all honestly, it freaked her out. Her mind had never been this quick to go to sexual thoughts.

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