Chapter 3

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Roseanne woke up with more nerves than she had expected

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Roseanne woke up with more nerves than she had expected. It's not that she was nervous to see Jennie, but rather she was nervous Jennie wouldn't want to see her. Sure, she had pulled out her best moves, and yeah Jennie seemed interested in hanging out again, but nothing was definite.

Roseanne had seemed confident in the moment, but as soon as she laid her head down on her pillow that night, her thoughts caught up to her. She didn't know if there was even a chance Jennie could be into girls. Yeah, the girl had blushed around her a few times, but when Roseanne thought about it, she realized that that could just as easily mean Jennie was uncomfortable.

Jennie wasn't uncomfortable though. In fact, she woke up way more relaxed than she had been the night before. She was excited at the possibility to see Roseanne again. She liked that the girl wanted to be her friend. She was really nice, too, giving Jennie sweet compliments just because. She was prettier than any of Jennie's other friends, too, Jennie noted (not that it mattered).

When Jennie got back to her room last night, she realized that Rosé and her hadn't planned a place or time to meet. It was just sort of open. She hoped she'd run into the girl again today and would have the opportunity to hang out.

She decided it would be best to hang out in the lobby for a while, this way she had the best chance of seeing the girl. When Jennie got down there, though, Kai was waiting for her on the couch.

"Hey," he smiled, rising to his feet.

"Oh, hey!" Jennie smiled, almost forgetting he was here. "How'd you sleep?" she asked.

"Good," he laughed. "They had a great time," he said, nodding to his parents who were eating breakfast behind him. "Maybe a little too good of a time." Jennie laughed, too. Jennie and Kai watched last night as their parents had one too many glasses of wine. By the disheveled looks of Kai's parents, it was clear they were a little hungover.

"Poor guys," Jennie smiled. Her parents didn't look that bad this morning. When Jennie pulled her attention away from his parents and back to her friend, she realized Kai was staring at her.

"It's so good to see you again," he said. Jennie smiled as Kai wrapped his arm around her, pulling her into a familiar half hug. "You're as pretty as ever," he said softer.

"Thanks," Jennie smiled again. It was nice to hear and she liked the compliment, but Jennie found it weird that she didn't heat up the same way she had when Rosé called her pretty. She figured it had something to do with Rosé being a stranger.

Kai had called her pretty plenty of times, plus he had been in love with her at one point. People always thought someone was prettier when they loved them. She thought maybe his words were just wearing out.

"So what are you doing today?" he asked her.

"I don't know," she shrugged. "Probably just hanging out."

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