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You have my mother to thank for the quick update. She came in my room one night and said "so where's my new chapter."

Axel tried the doorknob first before using the key and much to his irritation it was unlocked and he was able to walk right into Vera's apartment.

"Pet?" He called out with a heavy sigh, closing the door behind him with a firm hand. He slowly took off his coat, giving her time to get from wherever she was to the door to greet him and explain herself.

"Axel!" She bounded out of her bedroom in excitement and through the small hall into the living room where he stood, putting his coat on the hook.

However her excitement was short lived and quickly replaced with disappointment as he began to speak completely ignoring her desire for his usual hug 'hello', "I'm going to teach you something." He turned around to look at her and gauge her reaction. She decided it best to just listen and stay on his good side, so she nodded for him to continue, "Spread your legs about a foot and a half apart."

Vera swallowed a lump in her throat that made her chest constrict, confused if she was in trouble or not. Her socked feet slipped over the carpet, moving slowly to keep her balance. She blinked up at him when she had successfully completed the first task hoping for a bit of praise but his eyes were focused and cold.

He circled her making sure she had done as he asked and didn't need any corrections before moving on, "Hands flat at your sides."

Her fingertips stretched out over her sweatpants, anxiously tapping and her eyes following him as best they could whenever he was in her line of sight.

He stopped his circling directly in front of her, looking her up and down, analyzing, then grabbed her hands in his. She loosened her stiff arms and smiled, enjoying the sweet intimate gesture.

"No. Keep your elbows locked to your side, pet." He spoke calmly, realizing her confusion and not punishing her for it, especially since she immediately corrected herself.

With her elbows stuck to her sides, he lifted her hands so her forearms were out in front of her, palms up, ready to serve. He grinned at his handy work and stepped back, sitting down in the arm chair, enjoying the sight of her.

He was teaching her how to be a submissive, the way he had explained so many times to her before. Even though she hadn't signed the contract, he still wanted to try and slowly train her as best as he could, while he worked on also gaining her trust and confidence.

She was still hesitant but she was his good girl and she did her very best to obey when she could. Since she had been so obedient recently and their times together hadn't been very sub and Dom focused, he knew he couldn't flip so quickly on her. He had done this before, where he had spoken to her as an equal and then punished her only moments later.

It only caused confusion and hurt feelings.

He spent nights awake thinking of ways to earn her trust and this was one of the problems he had realized about the way he was having their relationship. He struggled to remember her limitations and ensure her feelings, because the nature of his character was a simple mix of two creatures.

His animalistic side and his human side.

He ran a hand over his stubble and noticed her arms start to shake from standing there for too long but she still maintained the pose, "Good girl." He praised her and earned a sweet smile.

"Thank you, sir." His praise pushed her to do better and not drop her arms by any means.

"I like this pose because it means you're listening and ready to serve." He explained, his voice even and calm, "Let's call it pose one. Whenever I tell you to, you will assume this position and maintain it until told otherwise. Am I understood?"

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