"Trust me, I will." with that, the man let go and Gunhee felt that he could finally take a stable breath. "I'll be going then, but trust me: this isn't the last time we'll see." Mr. Chae stated in a calm tone but it was clearly meant to be a threat. They wouldn't live for long at this rate.

"I'll go see if he actually leaves... Try and calm him a little bit.." Gunhee muttered when the visitor started heading to the front door. Yoonho nodded. I'll go check on him." The doctor responded, subtly glancing towards the hallway. Gunhee patted the other on the shoulder before walking off.

Hyungwon backed up from the door once the front door slammed shut. He wouldn't be safe here. He needed to get the hell out before he brought doom to whoever was keeping him safe. "Fucking fuck..." He muttered under his breath.

Most of the conversation he had listened in was just gone past his ears. Hyungwon turned away from the door, looking at the window. Before he could even think about anything the door opened up, scaring the hell out of him.

"Holy shit, you're up." Hyungwon spun on his heels, eyes landing on a guy that was around his own height. This wasn't what's his face. 

"I.. Yeah... I just.." The guy nodded his head, clearly seeing the absolute confusion in his eyes. "You must have heard all that. Don't worry." How could he not be worried? Everything was going downhill once again.

"Please sit down. We can't be sure if you're all good now that you're up.." The stranger said pointing towards the bed. Hyungwon hesitated a little before following the instructions he was handed. It's not like he could do anything else in the situation.

"How are you feeling? You were out for four days, almost five..." The man spoke tilting Hyungwon's head up, checking his eyes with a light. Was he a doctor? "Uh. Like I've been hit by a truck. Though that's not far from the truth." Hyungwon responded, blinking a few times.

"You had a concussion and bleeding wrists when Gunhee brought you here... But you seem to be okay for now. Tell me if you feel any pain or nausea." 

"Oh, I definitely feel sick. Also, my chest hurts... Is there a reason for that?" Hyungwon watched as the guy's face dropped slightly. "Uh... Yeah about that." He said, clearing his throat. Hyungwon furrowed his eyebrows a little bit. "You almost died on me. Wasn't fun but... Yeah. The chest pains are probably from the CPR..." The guy said, scratching his head a little.

Hyungwon parted his lips a little before closing his mouth and looking down. "You... Should've let me go. I mean, I.. I heard what you talked about... You're fucked because of... Well because of me." He mumbled and the guy let out a laugh.

"Let you die and let Wonho crush us to a meat patty-sized disk. No thank you, I'd rather live." The doctor chuckled and crossed his arms. "I'll get you some meds, wait there." The stranger hummed and walked out of the room.

Hyungwon stayed seated just like he was told. 

Why was it so hard for him to die and everyone else around him was knocked down one by one? It didn't make sense. "I should've just ended myself when I first had a chance." He muttered under his breath bitterly. He was like a totem of misfortune.

But then again, the first time he tried to kill himself he was saved, and every other time he had been near death someone had healed him back up so what made him even think the next time would be different. As if he was cursed to live and watch everyone else die.

He must have done some bad shit in his past life.

"Okay, here. It's not much but I can't go to the pharmacy to get anything better since those fuckers have their eyes on us constantly... And it would be weird if I went to get strong painkillers..." The doctor explained as he walked into the room. The guy then handed the other a few pills and a glass of water.

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