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it's been a few years since those things happened and all of the members have officially found their soulmates

a celebration was held for all the members who have found their soulmates and surprisingly, on that day, jungkook and taehyung have told everyone else that they are going to start adopting kids as they both cannot get pregnant

this shocking news brought not only shock but also happiness as there will soon be a second generation of them

everyone have also gotten married to their soulmates and it was a fun night as they celebrated wildly on each other's wedding

at this moment, y/n and seokjin have 2 kids at the moment, two boys and y/n is 4 months pregnant with a girl

for seokjin and y/n's kids name, they are seokjoon and seokjae respectively

for their little girl, they are planning to name it seokju

namjoon and his soulmate have a kid and one more on the way

at first, they both were afraid due to the busy schedule but due to their passion on being parents, they decided to try and fortunately, namjoon got his soulmate pregnant and their kid is really clever like her father

the name of their kid is nammi and their soon-to-be here kid is going to be named as namjae

for yoongi and his soulmate, they have 2 kids and they decided to stop there as they both felt that having two is enough

their names are yoonjae and yoonhwa one boy and girl

jimin and his soulmate are really cute and many have praised them of how cute they looked together

they have 3 kids and fans have complimented of how chubby their cheeks are like jimin's and they were overall, the cute and adorable ones

their names are minji, minyang and minmi

the oldest and youngest are girls while the middle kid is a boy

hoseok and his soulmate have been trying for the longest so that means that his soulmate has recently gotten pregnant

their soon-to-be here child is a boy and they are planning to name it seokyeon

the last couple are jungkook and taehyung!

they are the ones that got the most support from fans when Bighit released that they have all found their soulmates and also stating who in the group are actually soulmates caused a ruckus in the fandom

many armies are very supportive of LGBTQ so therefore, upon knowing about taehyung and jungkook's relationship, many said that they have fainted on twitter and many also commented about how it was kind of obvious and how it was so cute when they both were together

they have adopted 4 kids and taehyung is planning to adopt one more to achieve his goal of having 5 kids

they have a total of 3 boys and a girl and their next kid that they are planning to adopt is a female too

the order of age is boy, boy, girl, boy, and the soon-to-be adopted girl which will be the youngest of all

the eldest is called taemin, then jungwu, taeyu, jungyu, and the last name they are planning for is jeongmin

this family is getting bigger and bigger every monet and they do not regret anything

this is probably the best time in their lives!

armies were supportive, everyone supported them, including their parents, so there is nothing that they are lacking in life

it was cute how their young kids were questioning their parent's unique soulmark on their arms and the differences it had with the other members

like how when taemin was first introduced into the family, he was still a young kid and questioned his father why they both had a same mark while also questioned them why namjoon and his soulmate has a different mark from them

it was a fun experience teaching them about it and at the same time, it made jungkook and taehyung's heart swell because they both couldn't be more proud to see that their little family is growing

after much more years have passed, the members kids have found out that their soulmates have been with them the whole time

an example would be taemin and nammi

they both are the cutest couple and there are much more in between these families

weddings here and there but overall, the original BTS and their soulmates can live in peace, rest assured that they can retire and living their lives with so much joy until they pass on with no regrets

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