-Telling Them-

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Act Natural - Chapter 8: Telling Them

(Skeppy's POV/ Around an hour after the last chapter)

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

I wake up to the sound of knocking and I know exactly who it is. Badboyhalo always wakes me up before he starts to make breakfast. I remember he did it once and it just became routine.

"Zak~ Time to wake up!" I hear Bad say in his sing-song voice. I tell him that I'm up and I start to get ready. I put on a blue Skeppy hoodie and some joggers. As I walk down the stairs, I hear someone call my name.

"Skeppy! You're up!" I hear Sapnap say. I then notice that him and George are all cuddled up with Dream on the couch. But I'm not gonna mention it.

As I walk into the kitchen to see what Bad is up to, I hear muffled whispers and giggles coming from the trio but again I just ignore it. After a few minutes, Darryl sets down a plate full of waffles with various jams, butters, and syrups.

"Breakfast!" He calls, to which everyone sits down at the island in the kitchen.Everyone starts dressing their waffles in the desired toppings. I go unsalted butter and then blueberry jam with the coffee that Darryl made. George puts apple butter on one of his bagels and butter with sugar and cinnamon on the other. Sapnap goes for strawberry jam on one and peanut butter on the other. He then proceeds to put them together and make peanut butter and jelly on a waffle . Dream does a weird combination that I've only ever seen him do. He puts grape jelly on both pieces, puts a sausage on one of the pieces, puts eggs on the sausage, then tops it with the other waffle. It surprisingly doesn't taste bad, he made them for us one day and all the ingredients really compliment each other. And lastly, Bad puts cream cheese on his with a side of strawberries and bananas and his usual morning coffee.

As I start to take a bite of my waffles, Sapnap speaks up.

"Bad, Skeppy we have something to tell you." He starts. I look over at Bad to see if he's paying attention, he is.

"What is it?" He asked, eyes focused on the three of them.

"Well..." He trails off. But George finishes for him.

"Sapnap, Dream, and I are dating, we just started this morning." He says with a huge smile. Dream and Sapnap giving him comforting looks.

"OMG! I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU THREE! I know that you three will make eachother very happy." I yelled with excitement!

"Oh, you muffin heads." Bad starts, "You know that I'm proud of you guys no matter what!"

"GROUP HUG!" Dream shouts, we all then get up and have a nice hug. I love whenever we have hugs like this, always makes me feel comfortable and safe.

"Ok, but I have one rule." I start, "No sex in the house besides the bedrooms. I don't wanna see that." I laugh lightly. Those 3 just blush madly and Bad does a quick language. We all then sit down and finish our breakfast. Excited for the day ahead of us.

(A few hours later/Dream's POV)

I decided that we all should go out for a late lunch or early dinner. Since it was my idea, I got to choose the restaurant and I chose Golden Corral.

(For anyone that doesn't know, Golden Corral is an all you can eat buffet in America. Idk about other countries.)

As we walked in, the sound of people eating and chatting filled the air. We waited in the little lines and ordered our drinks. I got a large water, George ordered a large apple juice, Sap got a large root beer, Skep got a large coke, and Bad got another coffee.

As we went and got our food we got recognized by a nice little girl. She got a picture with us and a hug from each of us. Her name was Sara, she was 7, and she was adorable.

As we ate, we talked about video ideas and just stuff we can do in general.

Sapnap started begging Bad for dessert but he said no.

"It's 2pm, Nick! It's not time for dessert!" Bad said, trying to to be too loud.

"You know what, Bad? I'm 20 years old so if I want dessert, I'll get dessert!" He says as he picks up a plate and walks to the dessert section. Bad rolls his eyes but then sits back down and George goes with Sapnap.

"Umm, excuse me sir?" I hear to my left. I turn and see a girl talking to Bad.

"Oh, hello!" He replies, I look over and see Skep has looked up from his phone.

"Hey! Umm, I was wondering if I could have your number? You're a really cute guy so I thought I would give it a shot."

"Erm, well thanks for the offer but-"

"He's taken." Skeppy interrupts. We all turn and look at him, wide eyed.

"By who?" She asked, not looking convinced or amused.

"Me." He said in a stern voice, face slightly blushed.

"Oh, well I'm sorry then." She turns to Bad, "But if you realize you need someone better, here's my number." She then hands Bad a piece of paper, flips her hair, and leaves. Bad is just dumb founded and honestly so am I. Skeppy has a massive blush on his face yet he looks mad at her remark.

"Z-Zak, why did you say that?"

"I don't know, Bad." He looks and meets Darryl's eyes then looks away again, "I guess I was jealous that someone noticed you."

(After everyone ate)

"What do you guys wanna do now?" George asks. I don't know honestly.

"I don't really care what we do, honestly." I replied.

"Ehhh, let's just go home." Skeppy suggests and everyone agrees.

When we got home Bad and Skeppy went upstairs, they said they were going to talk about a few things. So we let them be.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Word Count: 1019

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