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Louis was very thoughtful the next day, looking at the note that Harry left him with his number. Louis actually liked Harry, but he was afraid that he would not be able to maintain a friendship with a person from the world of fame.

He thought if it would be okay to call him, or wait to see if he would see him again. He was not a person with many friends, so he wanted to tell Niall what happened, so he took his cell phone and dialed him:

- Niall, I need your advice for something ...

- Tell me Louis - he said enthusiastically.

- You see, two days ago I met a boy at 24, but he's a boy, you know, from the world of fame, actually I don't know who he is but he's been kind to me, he even gave me his phone number. I don't know, do you think it would be okay to call him or something? - Louis said.

Niall thought for a few seconds until he said:

- And ... Who is he?

- His name is Harry, he came to rest for a few days and one night I ran into him, then he gave me back my notebook ... ahhh quite a long story, anyway, do you think it's a good idea for me to keep talking to him?

- Well, the name sounds familiar, but it doesn't matter. Well, if you like him, there is nothing wrong, and I think that if he gave you the confidence to give you his personal information, well, is because he would like to meet you, and if you say that he is from the world of fame, I think right now that this rest would do you good a friend. - Niall said.

Louis was silent for a second, remembering that Harry said the same thing to him, that he would like a friend at the moment.

- Okay, well, thanks Niall, by the way, will you come today? remember you promised me and my mom to come to dinner.

- Certain! yes yes, I arrive around 7:30, see you later then!

- Okay Niall, see ya, bye. - Louis hung up the call.

It was time for dinner and Niall noticed that Louis was a little ... out of the ordinary, a little ... distracted, but he still didn't say anything to him, since he had more or less an idea of ​​why. They finished dinner, helped clear the table, and went up to Louis's room to spend some time there.

When they entered the room Niall saw the note from this Harry next to his bed:

- And then, did you already talk to him or something?

- No, um ... I was a bit sad so I decided to wait for tonight, I'll go to 24 and if I see him again, I'd better try to plan something there with him.

Niall smiled and shook his head from side to side:

- Well, whatever you want - With a little laugh - What do you think if I join you today at 24?

- If you want, it's not a bad idea, what's more, if you want, let's go from now on. It's ... 9:00 p.m., it's a bit early but, the same as we do talking, we can do it there.

They both took their sweaters and Louis told his mother that they would go to 24, as always, the mother telling her to take care of herself and not come back so night. They were on their way, in silence, but Louis was curious about Harry, even if he tried to hide it, he could not, he seemed distracted. Reaching 24, Louis greeted Hiram and immediately swept his eyes all over the place:

- Mmmm has not arrived ... - He whispered.

- Are you looking for this Harry Louis? - I look at him with a challenging sight.

- Well ...

- Let's sit down, come on - Niall took Louis and they sat at Louis' table.

They continued talking about other things when minutes later, Louis recognized Harry's voice and turned to see:

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