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This is an excerpt of the book. The book in full can be found on Amazon Kindle and paperback as of June 2024.

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A strong woman will automatically stop trying if she feels unwanted. She won't fix it or beg, she'll just walk away....

I believed I was stronger than this for years because I was willing to stick it out. I tried to fix the problems, I even changed my behavior to accommodate him. The only thing that happened was I was miserable. Nothing changed.

I know I deserve better

I won't beg for his attention. That's a hard line I won't cross. I don't beg for attention and Harper has decided that he can't decide what he wants. I can't keep waiting so I'm making the decision, I'm making the choice for him. I won't just live in limbo anymore. I won't be set aside until he decides he wants me. It's pretty simple, either he does or doesn't.

So the choice remains with me. I can't stand by watching him flirt with every other female and ignore me anymore. I can't be content with the measly attention Harper wants to show me and be satisfied. So I chose....

The first step was to move out. My brother and his friends have been my family for years. We've lived under the same roof since Harper and his brother, Trent's, parents died in the fire. We all stuck with them, all of us were devastated by it. We all loved them. But now six years later it's time for me to go.

My decision to leave six months ago was put off after Mitch was shot. I couldn't leave him when he needed me. So I waited, planned and took care of him. It brought us closer as siblings and I'm glad of the time we got together. Mitch and I were always close, this brought us closer, at least until I broke the news to him the day after he went back to work.

"You can't just quit!" Mitch yells announcing to everyone in the kitchen that I'm leaving.

Looking around at every eye in the back of the house was now focused on us, the heat of embarrassment crawled over my skin. I didn't exactly plan on telling him this at the bar. The guy was so anxious to get to work this morning that I didn't get a chance to tell him before he left. I haven't even broken the news to Trent. Not exactly but I think he knows it's coming.

I didn't want to face Trent. He's been good to all of us but especially to me. I'm the only girl in this family. Or I was until Maggie and Zoe came along. Trent has turned into quite the family man and his outlook has changed. I really like this version of Trent and I hate to disappoint him, but I have to do what's best for me. I wrote him a note explaining it all. It's the best thing I can do, to get out from under these guys and just be me. I think Trent will understand that.

Maggie will help him understand

"Yes, actually I can. People quit all the time. I'm a person, I have free will. And I'm doing it. There's nothing you can do or say to change my mind!" Pulling my belongings out of my locker and shoving it all in a duffel bag, now bulging at the seams, I zip it up.

"Frankie, look I understood why you needed to move out of the house. You've lived with us men long enough. I get it. But this is your job. What about Trent? Aren't you going to tell him?" I hold up my resignation letter, it explains it to Trent and tuck it into Trent's mailbox. Grabbing his hair, Mitch pulls the dark strands slightly before dropping his arms limp at his sides. "What are you going to do? You don't have a job waiting. How are you going to pay rent?"

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