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Chapter 3


It was too busy in here for me to just sit on my ass no matter how much I'd like to have a beer with my girl. It's their night out, girls night, I don't fit in with that profile. Maggie has gotten herself a few good friends there now and I'm happy to see her grow into her new friendships.

Lily and Maggie are stuck together like glue. It was a surprise for me to see her get friendly with my ex, Emerly. I had a couple minutes of worry in the beginning that Emerly would do something that could mess us up. I had only to remember that it was Emerly who got us our daughter and it was her to wish us the best. Then all my worries were set aside.

When Maggie began to take Frankie underwing, I saw Frankie want to spread her wings. It was time for our girl to leave her comfort zone and strike out at the world. I know Harper is pissed that I knew she was going to go but there's coming a day when he's going to do the same thing. It just may be with my boot kicking his ass out the door.

This is all my friends' safety zone here at Full Circle. They have worked together since we were sixteen, I've got a plan that's going to shake things up for the better. As much as I enjoy having them close, I know that time is coming where we need to go our own way.

There's some details that I need to work out first and I want Maggie's input. It's going to be a little more work for me temporarily but I know it will be worth it in the end. I can't let my dream be lost just because I changed a few major things. Those things are Zoe and Maggie.

I never thought I'd see the day I settled down with one woman and have a family. Oh, there was a time when I wanted it, it's been a lifetime ago now. But Maggie changed everything for me. Now I want to provide a really good life for my family and still have my dream. I think I've figured it out.

I'm glad Maggie had been able to convince the girls to come here though. I hate having to call a sitter for Zoe, she's been left alone enough for her young age. She's gone through so much with Adrienne and still she's bounced back with the happy glow of an exuberant kid.

The gang here has taken to her adding to that happiness in her. My friends treat her as family. She is not just because we adopted her but she's Jeremy's blood. My contentious friend who has run away because of a child. Now I've found out that he's not that far away.

I'm not sure how I feel about that yet

I knew Jeremy would have a hard time accepting this new reality. He never dreamed he'd have a kid but it happened. I have no idea what he's going to do with Emerly when he's done working it through in his head. I doubt he's talked to her and probably doesn't realize what's happened to her.

It was a shock for all of us

Maggie and her friends stepped up for Em. It was weird at first for me but now, months later, I'm glad Em has the female support she's got. Frankie, who prefers to be friends with males, has even been there for her. It's all turned out.

It's good to see Frankie relaxed and happy for a change. I should have seen how miserable she was following us from one place to another. The only reason she came out to the coast was because of Mitch. He's all she has left. Well, not just him but all of us. She just doesn't see that.

I don't think she realizes that we consider her family. We've picked on her, been protective of her and kept her away from the worst guys out there all because she is our family. I know Frankie saw it as annoying and to hold her back but that's not the way it was intended. Even Harper has done everything he could to keep her from getting hurt.

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