Chapter 14: Make Me! (Zander pov)

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"Zander. We're sorry, we didn't realise. Why haven't you said anything to us before now?" Dravon Questions

"Because we've been busy. And it's not her fault, I get that and so does Shadow, but you all forget how close we were to going feral before we found her. I feel like it's happening all over again. I can't control it. But I am doing my best to keep him contained'' I say in defeat. I'm tired of feeling angry all the time. It takes a lot out of you.

"Zander, I'm really sorry, I didn't even... I understand what you're going through. How are you going to mate her in this state though?" Dravon asks

"I don't know Drav. Hopefully it will be before I feel he's too feral. Otherwise he might make me do something we'll regret! I'm gonna go shower and get dressed. We have some more work to get done, permits and help building, my dad wants a chat too. Then I wanna be over at the Arena for 7 to start her training. I'll try to sort shit out with her then. Try to explain"

"Do you mind if we all tag along? We all need to apologise really and we can make some time inbetween helping out with the sentry section"
Sebastian asks

"It's a free country. I'll see you all in a few"

I go to my room and shower, putting jeans and a plain white v-neck on. I grab my phone and head out the door. I go to the kitchen and find Caleb and Sebastian waiting. Caleb turns, handing me a coffee, and some toast.


"No problem. It's a double espresso coffee, I think we all need it this morning! It's half 5 now. Do you have paperwork or do you want to head straight over to the sentry's?" Caleb asks as he has a drink of his coffee

"Yeah I have some but that's just signing off on shit, will take me 20 minutes to do the urgent ones. Then we can go. I have it all here. When are we having an extension done? I think we all need a home office. Just a big one for all of us. And Kylie mentioned something about adding additional rooms for kids or are we planning to move? But that's something we can really discuss after the sentry's are done. But we do need the home office as soon as possible." I say

"I'll speak to Jasper about an office today. As you said the rest can wait. You go do that then, I have some I need to do aswell. So meet back here in 20? I need to go over to the office and get mine done. Seb, what about you?." Caleb says

"Yes, I do aswell, so I will join you" He replies

"Where is everyone else?" I mumble around a bite of toast.

"Keelan and Blake already left to go help Jasper, and Dravon hasn't come down yet, though I think he's already doing his stuff now. I better go otherwise I won't have time. See you in a bit" Caleb says as he finishes his drink and takes a piece of toast with him, Sebastian following behind, talking about an office design. I finish mine and head Into the living room to get as much as I can done.

Half an hour later and everyone has come back to grab spare clothes to change into before we go to the Arena. Iv been checking in on Kylie via Logan, who tells me she's really tired and pissed off but otherwise doing really well with the lesson today. Though he won't tell me what there doing, saying I keep distracting him. So I don't bother after that. We're all ready with our bags over our shoulders and head out to help Jasper for an hour before meeting Kylie and J-lo.

An hour later I look at the time and realise we were too busy yo notice we're running behind, so I call the others

"Guys I'm calling it quits for now. I wanna go see Kylie. I told her 3 hours and it's been 4 let's go!" We pack up our shit and tell Jasper we will be back later. Grabbing our bags we chuck our sweats on as there more comfortable and easy to move in than jeans, and no point in a shower untill we've finished training, and head to the Arena. When we get there i can't hold Shadow back

"There hurting our mate Zander! Kill them!" He growls as he surges forward. Before I realise it I have my brothers wolf by the throat feet dangling down. I don't see anything else but him digging his claws and teeth into her. My hand tightens in anger. Then I stumble a little at an unexpected shove and look to see my little mate with anger in her eyes, as she says

"Let him fucking go!"

Me and Shadow, as hes in control right now, end up snarling at her

"Make me!"

She does something that makes me feel like im gonna cream in my boxers, but Shadow manages to ignore it and gritting my teeth with struggle he says

"You'll have to do. better than that. little mate!"

She walks over to me and jumps up, Shadow drops Logan to catch her but she knocks me down somehow, landing her feet either side of me. I really need to figure out what she can and can't do. This is the second time she's made it so i can't move and I don't fucking like it!

We argue about the state she's in and her needing to learn so I think fine! She wants to learn let's teach her. But only us so we don't hurt anyone other than real attackers. She agrees as it's a compromise and a win win. The guys all join in probably thinking it will be fun but I'm still fucking furious and Shadow is just not giving me back full control right now. I notice were drawing a crowd but they've never seen all the prince's about to fight one opponent and who happenes to be a female and their mate!

We start fighting and I really don't hold back, Shadow making a move here and there. When we get a direct hit to her face I fell like shit but she blasts me away and I hit a wall, growling in frustration that I hit her and she got me back. I race back over and wait to jump back in. She's doing fucking fantastic, and we call all see she's tired and on the verge of passing out but as she doesn't stop neither do we.

She then stops fighting and just keeps moving out of our way, I'm about to call it quits as the stubborn girl refuses but she stomps her foot and throws her arms out wide and me, along with everyone in the Arena are knocked backwards of our feet. I feel paralysed for about 2 minutes befor I can move again and I climb to my feet to see her swaying. I make a move to catch her but I'm not close enough and she hits her head hard as she collapses. Caleb picks her up and she looks like a rag doll in his arms and we rush her to the hospital.

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