Chapter 22 Pack Run

Start from the beginning

       Now we get in the car and drive to the town nearest the Cameron Pack. I have a few ideas about how we can gather information before we try my 'crazy plan' and show up as visitors from Romania. The first one is all on Marshall because in the 'crazy plan' he is only my driver so he might get away with playing two roles. Meg is going to be my personal assistant and Adam will be my Uncle and my guard.

       While driving in the car Marshall asks me about the pranks because Adam told him I told some stories to him about it. Meg wants to know too so I start telling them about some of my favorite. There are a lot of questions about how the predictive text ones work so I ask Marshall for his phone unlocked.

"First you go to Settings, then General, then Keyboards, then Text Replacement, then + Sign, in the line for Phrase I type my name," A V E R Y, "and in the short cut I type, Avery is the best Alpha in the world!" I say laughing! "Now every time you type my name it will automatically try to finish with that! So how you use this as a prank is you put their girlfriend's name in and 'is a fat cow' and every time they type her name it will try to finish with that. If they don't know how to fix it they might even eventually accidentally send it!"

"But how did you get their phones unlocked?" asked Meg.

"Simple, I used their face while they were sleeping," I explain. "I also really loved glitter and saran wrap and food extracts."

"What, why?" said Meg?

"I put glitter in their car vents and on their bodies while they were sleeping or in their shampoo and I covered their shampoo and other bottles with saran wrap so when they go to use it nothing comes out and I put other smells in their body wash and it missed up their scent. Showering was really dangerous for anyone that was mean to me at my old Pack. Only do the 'glitter in the car vent' thing to someone who really deserves it though, it basically ruins the car. You will NEVER get it all out. For years Beta Frank had light blue very fine glitter on him from his car. It blew out the vent every time he used the AC or heat." I said laughing.

       We pull into a nice hotel a little before dinner time on a Monday and check-in and change and then head to a busy dinner to eavesdrop on the locals. If we are recognized later we can admit to scouting out the Pack before calling on them. So we hang out there eating dinner and then head to a Pub to play pool. We meet a few people willing to talk and ask about local cults and town legends. We don't find out much.

       Tomorrow Marshall is dressing like a teen and heading to school as a new student and I can't wait to see how that goes.

Eric POV

       I am standing in the stairwell again just wondering what Avery was doing in here. I sit on the stair tread and run my fingers over the ruff black strip meant to help people not slip and fall. What was she doing in here? Did she really come in here and sit just out of range of the camera for hours and hours every day? I look around again and it's all so plain and boarding. There is nothing here. Just stairs and walls and doors. The only thing that is kind of interesting is that the locked cabinet doors are not on any of the videos.

       I walk over to one and tug on it. Maybe I should get some kind of cutter and break-in.

       It pops open in my hand.

       How could I have been so stupid? I quickly look around and then pull the door all the way open and look in. There is a faint scent of Avery in here. I hop in and shut the door behind me. It clicks shut with a magnet and there is even a lock-in here. I slide the latch so it locks and unlocks and locks again. Avery built this. I take out my phone and turn on the light and look around. I see some scraping marks on the floor and a Tupperware bin. It looks just like the one I found in the maze with some prank supplies in it.

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