The Perfect Tunes

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Sometimes when you are looking at your blank screen and can't seem to put up more then a few sentences together you need a little help. Something that gets you into the writing mood. Something that can lull you into that creative state so that your fingers never stop moving their typing across the keyboard. One thing that does the trick and does it well is listening to your favorite writing tunes.

Writing music gives you a rhythm and a mood to push you onward to keep yourself motivated and creative to write your story. Often times you need a certain type of music to listen to depending on what you are writing and what kind of mood that you want your story to convey. Some light classical music might give a nice airy and cute feel to what you are writing. Some intense thundering music might inspire a harsher fight scene. Ominous music might inspire your horror side and some dance music might inspire Sci-Fi or even Contemporary feels.

Often times I find myself needing music when I write. Music has a quality that tends to help me stay focused even if what is happening outside of myself is hectic. Without music I tend to be more easily distracted by what my parents are watching on TV, or what my family is talking about, or even just sitting back and thinking about other things.

Music helps me block out the background noise that can invade my flow of creativity. It is simply a life saver a gift that helps me to have a rhythm to my words. An Eb and flow.

My favorite music to keep me calm and relaxed while writing is classical music. The complexities and mood of the music helps me to translate more feeling into my writing. It helps me to write with the emotion that the song gives me. To create with greater depth.

I am a strong believer in the fact that music and writing go hand in hand. Music helps you to think with greater clarity and to keep going on with a feeling of purpose. It also helps to think that both writing and music are first written down. That both were created to give off a feeling to others. To make the listener or reader feel something. To make one cry, or laugh, or simply be taken to another world.

When I listen to music I think of the place in my mind that that piece brings me to. What people are there? What situation is happening? It helps me to build worlds that have a greater reality. Music pushes me to write what I would not normally think of. Without music writing would be more bland for me. Without writing I would not see the music of the world.

Love the music that inspires you, Keep calm and write, Let your imagination flow.
Thank you so much for reading!
I hope you enjoyed!
Love yah!
-Tiana Wolfe (a.k.a.ilovexica)

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