" she does gogo."

" what does she say?."

" uhm she says many things but the one thing she always tells me is to keep her family safe and not let other people destroy it. I would ask her what she means but she would just say not everyone who comes in our lives has pure intentions." what? she never told me that.

" Your mother Fuze is happy with the woman whom you have chosen to be your wife. She's the one who led ou to her. You love your children's relationship because it reminds you of luh when she was just a baby and the time you all lost. Your children have been accepted by your ancestors. You did everything right by wanting them to have the same surname you all have."

" Thank you gogo." I say. My children and wife are everything to me.

" Someone is going to come in your home and your children will see what she's going to do. They will come to you so please listen to them. Your family is not happy about where you are in life nokuthula and whatever that may happen always be careful around them." I'll kill all of them should they try to hurt my wife and children I swear I'll make my wife an orphan.

" Don't worry baby. They won't hurt you while I'm here."

" I know what you are thinking of doing Fuze. Don't do it. That will hurt your sister more than you know and it will ruin relationships." Fuck ! is there anything this woman doesn't see or know?. Dad looks at me and I look away.

I know they have all forgiven her but I feel like had she been dealt with my sister wouldn't have lost her baby. I blame their mother for my sister's tears. Am I willing to risk our relationships by killing her? I was. I would have dealt with the consequences later but now that I am busted. I don't think I can get away with it cause this old woman would know. I don't want to hurt my sister in anyway and if me killing her mother in-law is going hurt her then I won't do it.

" You won't like the consequences scelo. I'm warning you." ok she is serious.

" I won't do it gogo." she raises her right eyebrow at me. " I promise."

" You lie to me scelo and you'll know me!. Try me!." what? my dad is smirking. Oh he is enjoying this.

" What are you smiling about." she asks dad and wipes the smile off his face. I almost want to stick my tongue out at him. " Kids leave us. The grown ups have to talk." We leave gogo with dad and sis nonto.

My wife wants to go to the kitchen but I pull her hand and lead her to the bedrooms. Luh and mbuso and they look like they have just woken up. We stop walking.

I pull her to my chest and kiss her forehead. I wonder what happened when they were all in the other bedroom with sbu's sbani. Damn even their names rhyme.

" How are you feeling?." what am Ii asking?. " I mean...."

" It's okay. I've been better but don't worry I'll be fine." she says. She doesn't sound like herself. I sigh looking at mbuso and he looks exhausted too. Man is not fully healed himself.

" Did you guys at least get some sleep?."

" Wed did." mbuso says.

" He was watching me sleeping. I don't know when he fell asleep."

" I'll sleep when we get home." he says. Meaning he will sleep when luh finally gets better.

" We are here for you guys whatever you need." I tell them. She hugs me tighter.

" We can take the kids with us to durban if it's okay with you?." lesego says.

" No, we have nannies and I want my family around me. We'll be okay." luh says. She and lesego hug. " Thank you for being for me. I appreciate it more than you know." she says.