Fred coughs. "Sleeping with them?"

"Not like that!" I blush. "Just, like, sleeping in their rooms for the night."

"Well, it sounds like you love them to me," George says. He glances at the other two. "What do you think?"

Fred nods. "I think you might, but you probably have to figure that out yourself. Just do whatever you think is right."

George taps Blair's shoulder. "What do you think?"

"Me?" They say, looking up. "Oh, well, just do what you think is best. But, um, just make sure none of them will hurt you, and you trust them. Just so they won't, I don't know, take advantage of you, or something."

Blair looks sad now, and Fred and George both frown. Fred moves to sit by Blair, wrapping an arm around their waist to talk to them quietly.

"We'll be back," He says, pulling Blair up. They start walking along the sidewalk. Artemis follows, close to Blair's feet.

I bite my lip. "Did I-"

"No," George says, shaking his head. "You're fine."

I nod, then remember Micah's text earlier. "What do you think this means?"

I show him the texts, and he snorts. "I did that before, to Blair. It was so embarrassing."

"What do I do?"

He taps his chin. "He'll probably apologize for this in person, so if you figure if you love them, then just say I love you back."


"Maybe." He shrugs. "But I'm not good with love stuff."

"But you've got two partners?"

"And you're going to have four," He says. "And when you guys do start dating, tell me, okay? I want to know everything."

I wrinkle my nose. "Everything?"

"Not everything." He laughs. "You know what I mean."

I nod, smiling. My phone buzzes, and I check it.

Micah: I'm heading over to the park now. I'm bringing Apollo.

Me: Okay, see you soon.

"Micah's going to be here soon," I tell George.

He hums. "The one with purple hair, right? He was nice."

Fred and Blair walk back over, and they both look much calmer. Blair's holding Artemis, and Fred has an arm around Blair's shoulders.

"Sorry for leaving," He says when they sit down.

"It's alright." I say. "Are you okay?"

Blair nods. "I'm fine, thanks. Just bad memories."

I don't ask, since it's none of my business. I have more than enough of my own bad memories.

I hear barking, and turn to see Apollo bounding over to me, his golden fur soaked. I stand, and he stops at my feet, barking at Artemis, who barks back. Apollo shakes suddenly, spraying water on us.

Micah jogs up to us, grabbing the leash, and pulling Apollo back. "Sorry, sorry. He ran through the water park."

"Hey, Micah." I say, smiling at him.

"Hey, sweets," He says, kissing my cheek. "Hi George and Fred. Who are you?"

"Blair," They say softly. "Micah right? Jake talks about you a lot."

Micah smirks at me, and I blush. "I'll see you guys around."

"Text me!" George says. "Tell me what happens."

I blush harder as we walk away. Micah lifts an eyebrow.

"What's going to happen?"

"Nothing," I say.

He smiles. "If you say so."

We pass a group of people, and one of them grabs my arm.


"Hey, Jake." He says. "Remember me?"

I swallow. "Y-Yeah. Hi, Aaron. How was juvie?"

That seems to surprise him, and I slip from his grasp. Micah pulls me along, laughing.

"Nice, sweets." He says. Apollo trods by our side, occasionally sniffing at the grass.

I glance back at Aaron. He's walking with his friends, scowling. I can't believe that happened.

"Hey," Micah says, nudging my side. "I forgot to say this, but I'm sorry for that text earlier. I didn't mean to write that."

"It's okay," I say. I make a quick decision, and stand on my toes to peck a kiss on his lips. "I love you too."

I walk ahead quickly, blushing. I hear him jog to catch up.

"What'd you say?" He says, stopping me. "You love me?"

I nod, biting my lip. "You, Finn, Ryder, and Zac."

"Really? Does this mean-"

"I'm ready to date you guys? Yeah. I think so."

I think I'm going to do Blair, Fred and George's story. Maybe.

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