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"Should we stop them?" I whisper to Zac, watching as Ryder and Micah walk over to Chad in the courtyard. Chad is bigger than Ryder is, but Ryder is definitely more intimidating. We're the only people out here right now.

"They won't really hurt him badly, I don't think. But if it gets bad, then yes." 

Ryder and Micah came to the school during lunch. I sent Finn a picture of Chad to be sure it was him who broke his leg, and he said it was. Lio is beside us, hoping for a fight. Ari's here, but has blatantly refused to talk to us.

Ryder, Chad and Micah are close enough for us to hear them.

"You're Chad, right?" Ryder says.

"What's it to you?"

"Did you happen to beat up a guy a week ago? By the pawn shop?"

"What? No."

"Are you sure? Because my boyfriend is very sure it was you who broke his leg."

"Broke his-I didn't break his leg."

"So you did beat him up?"

"What? No, I didn't-"

"Ry, I think you're scaring him." Micah says.

Ryder mutters, "Good," at the same time Chad snaps, "I'm not scared."

Micah sighs. "Did you, or did you not jump him?"

"Yeah, fine, I jumped the guy." Chad grumbles. "But me, Adam and Tim needed the money."

With the conformation, Ryder looks ready to kill him. But Micah puts a hand on his arm.

"What'd you need the money for?" He asks.

He scoffs. "I don't have to tell you." Ryder glares at him, and he rolls his eyes. "Someone emptied out our bank accounts, and robbed our apartment."

"Wait..." Lio murmurs. "Do you think...Gray might have..."

Ryder clearly doesn't care that Chad is broke, and looks like he's still going to punch him. "You still jumped my boyfriend."

"Well, your boyfriend was carrying around two hundred dollars." He retorts.

Ryder punches him. Chad grunts, grabbing his nose, letting out a stream of curses. Micah sighs as Ryder scowls.

"Now I have a conscience," Lio mutters, standing up. "Ryder, leave him alone."

Ryder glares, but Micah pulls him away. Chad goes inside, glaring and holding his nose. Lio and Zac walk over to them, but I go to the doors.

The hallway is empty, and I assume everyone's in the cafeteria or out somewhere else.

Where did Chad go? Probably the bathroom.

I walk to the closest one, but before I open the door, I hear voices.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine. I don't even know who that guy is."

"What'd he want?"

"You remember that guy we jumped with last week? That was his boyfriend."

"The short one? He was cute. Why'd we have to jump him? Ow! Adam, don't hit me!"

Wait, what?

"Chad, quit moving. Your nose is probably broken again."

"Well, if you would get your hands out of my face-"

"Well, if you would stop getting in fights-"

"Well, if you would quit babying me-"

"I'm trying to help, you know."

"You don't have to-"

"Stop moving-"


He gets cut off, and there are noises that sound like kissing. I'm incredibly confused. Are some of them together? But then why are they always being rude to Lio and I?

"Hey, can I get in?"

I turn, my eyes widening. There's a guy behind me.

I cough, kicking the door. "Um, well, my friend is, uh, sick. So you don't want to go in there."

"Oh, okay." He says. "I'll go to the other one. Thanks for the warning."

I nod, watching him walk down the hallway. I push open the bathroom door.

Chad, Timothy, and Adam are all in here, like I thought. Adam and Timothy aren't as built as he is, but are still intimidating. Adam is tall with dark hair and light skin. Timothy has light brown skin, curly black hair, and a scar over his nose. He doesn't look as scary as the other two.

"So, um." I say. "I kind of heard you guys."

Chad's eyes narrow. "What did you hear?"

"I'm not going to tell anyone," I say quietly. "But are you guys together?"

None of them answer. Timothy looks at me curiously, though.

"Um, yeah, you don't have to tell me, sorry. But, um, why exactly do you guys mess with me and Lio?"

Chad huffs out a breath. "Why are you asking us stuff?"

"I dunno, I'm curious, I guess." I mumble. This might have been a bad idea. None of them have actually hurt me before, but...

"Yeah, we are dating."

"Tim!" Chad says.


"You just-never mind."

I frown. "If you guys are dating, why are you homophobic?"

"We aren't. I said one thing once, by accident, and everyone hates me."

"But-well, why are you mean to people?"

"None of your business." He snaps.

Timothy rolls his eyes. "He doesn't like some people, like your friend. I don't think we've ever hurt you, though."

"Yeah...why don't you just tell people you're together? They'll probably like you more if they know you aren't homophobic."

"I'm sure our parents will love that," Chad snarks. "And three people together is probably weird, anyway."

"It isn't, really. I know four guys that are together."

"Really?" Timothy asks. "All four of them?"

I nod. "It's not weird, but there are people who'd probably be judgey."

"Well, we're not telling people." Chad says. "And you better not tell anyone, either."

"I won't." I say. "I don't out people."

Adam has been quiet this whole time, and is looking at me like he'll hurt me if I say the wrong thing.

"Are you done asking questions?" Chad asks.

I nod, but pause. "One more. You said you got robbed?"

"That's none of your business."

I nod. "Okay. I'm gonna go. Bye."

I leave quickly, closing the door behind me. I start down the hall, but someone says, "Wait."

I turn to see Timothy walking towards me. "Yeah?"

"Can I have your number?"

"My number?"

"Yeah. No one ever talks to us, and it'd be nice to have a friend."

I nod slowly, and type in my number when he hands me his phone. Maybe they aren't so bad.

He walks away, so I start towards the courtyard. But on the way, I pass someone I never thought I'd see again.


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