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I would have enjoyed the next two weeks more if Lio wasn't in such a bad mood. He won't talk to DJ, and only goes out for work, and stays out of the house most of the day. I'm pretty sure he told the police what he knows about Grayson, but I don't think he mentioned DJ having anything to do with it.

I've been spending a lot of time with Finn, Zac, Ryder and Micah. Some days I've stayed home, with Finn, and others I go to Pie in the Sky with Zac. Ari met up with me one day, and I told them everything that's been happening.

I don't know how long it'll take for me to be ready to date them without thinking I'm replacing them, but I know I'll get there.

Now, I'm going to meet George, Fred, and their partner, Blair, at the park. It's almost five thirty, so there are people walking around the park, and kids at the playground.

I'm waiting for them on a bench, texting Micah.

Me: Shouldn't you be working?

Micah: Yeah, but I don't really want to. My boss is annoying.

Me: Oh, they're here, I've got to go. You're going to pick me up, right?

Micah: Yep. Bye, love you, sweets.

My eyes widen, and I almost drop the phone. What?

Micah: I didn't mean to write that.

Micah: Please ignore that.

Micah: Seriously, I'm sorry.


I look up to see George jogging over to me, a small, fluffy gray dog following him. Fred is walking behind, with another person who I assume is Blair.

"Hey," I say, standing up. George engulfs me in a hug, and I laugh, wrapping my arms around him. "I missed you guys."

"How have you been? It's been a month since we saw you." George says as Fred and Blair walk up to us. The dog runs to them, running around their feet. "What happened with that cute guy who was with you? Micah, right?"

"I'm okay." I say. "Micah...is a little complicated."

Fred reaches us, and smiles at me. "Hey, Jake."

"Hi." I say. I smile at the person beside him. "You're Blair, right?"

"That's me. I go by they/them. It's nice to meet you. George and Fred have told me so much about you."

They're a little shorter than George, with bleached white hair that hangs in their blue eyes and light, freckled skin. They're wearing a loose white shirt tucked in jeans with sleeves that are rolled up over their hands. They have a black choker on, and a lip piercing. There are different rings on their fingers, and they fiddle with them.

We spend the next hour at the park, talking. The dog-Artemis-is Blair's. They all live together, on the other side of town, and George and Blair used to work at the same place. Blair's twenty, and the twins are twenty-two.

I tell George and Fred about my situation with Finn, Zac, Micah and Ryder.

"Do you love them?" George asks.

Do I? I'm not sure. "Maybe."

"How do you feel around them?"

"I guess...really happy. Like when I'm with Lio, but different, because sometimes I want to kiss them all. And I get embarrassed sometimes when Micah flirts with me, but I really like it. I like spending time with them all, even if I'm just sleeping with them."

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