||Part - Fourteen||

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The screen starts to proceed some video while all people get silent thinking what is there in it that she is gifting before the marriage only, couldn't she wait a little bit so that marriage could happen. However, they forget it and concentrate on the screen:-

Vansh and Roshni are busy in sucking each other's mouth like it's the end of the world, there is no life ahead. But after a long time which seems like ages, they break the kiss gasping for air. And Vansh suddenly starts to feel dizzy and he sits on the chair. Roshni smirks evilly and sends a message to someone through her phone which Vansh couldn't find out as his vision is getting blurred. Suddenly Roshni hears sound like someone is coming here. She looks back and smirks. As before her is standing the same guy named RONY who has hold RIDDHIMA's hair in tight grip while she is screaming to leave her.

Listening to her painful scream, Roshni laughs evilly and asks her - You bitch, keep quite for sometime as the full night you'll not stop screaming if you want also. Now Riddhima is afraid of her sanity and chastity. She is modern but like most of the Indian girls, she too wants to keep herself pure for her husband. But now it seems like she must have to beg for her last wish!

Rid(in tears):- Please Roshni di, I've never asked you for anything and gone against you but now I'm folding my both hands before you. Please leave me, I promise you that tomorrow morning only I'll leave this house.

Roshni snickers and comes to her so Rony leaves her hair but at the next moment only Riddhima screams in pain when Roshni slaps her hard on her face. With the intensity of her slap, Riddhima's corner of lips start bleeding. And feeling satisfied, Roshni jerks Riddhima saying - IF I COULD ACT OF MOLESTATION BEFORE VANSH RAI SINGHANIA AND HIS WHOLE OFFICE STUFF JUST TO OUTCASTE YOU FROM VR DESIGNER HOUSE AND CRUSH YOUR DREAM, THEN THINK WHAT WILL I DO TO BREAK YOU FOR THE FULLEST!

Rid(shivers at her intensity of madness):- But why are....you doing this with me? .... I've never done any wrong with you or snatched your things!

Roshni laughs loudly like a mad person while her eyes glint with madness and obsession : OBSESSION FOR RIDDHIMA'S END! Riddhima fears for her dear life and gulps hard while Roshni holds Riddhima's chin in her clutch - BECAUSE MY DEAR RIDZ BABY, I'M OBSESSED WITH YOUR PAIN! AND THAT'S WHY I'VE TRAPPED VANSH WHEN I GET TO KNOW YOUR LOVE FOR HIM. AND SEE THE IRONY, HE IS THE REASON OF YOUR DREAM'S THE END! AND NOW HE WILL RAPE YOU BUT LATER YOU'LL BE BLAMED ONLY. So get ready for the night, my dear baby sister.

The way she says all, Riddhima is pale in fear that now what will she do but before she could think about the solution, Roshni holds Riddhima's hair in her grip and throws her towards that decorated room while Rony helps Vansh to get up and leaves him in that room and then, boom! The door gets closed with a bang from outside while having some problem, it gets closed from inside too. And knowing it very well, Roshni has chosen that room only.

But the scene is not ended here because soon they could hear painful moans and cry of Riddhima and Vansh's satisfied groans from inside the closed door. Here Roshni looks back at Rony smirkingly and both of their face gets adorned with a smirk. And soon they get busy in make out. During kissing and biting each other's lips like beasts, they start to tear each other's clothes but before Rony could proceed in doing "it" Roshni asks him to go to some room.

•End of Flashback•

Author's pov : Riddhima has been busy in decorating Roshni and Vansh's night date on terrace, by keeping her mobile on the table beside flower pot. But suddenly something gets collided with it and it gets fall in the corner without Riddhima's notice as she has been so into her work. While by falling, the camera of the phone gets switched on by mistake and everything starts recording. But after completing her work, when Riddhima has been searching for her phone, Roshni comes there and literally orders her to leave the place. Riddhima has to go back from there but she decides in her mind to search for it in morning only. The irony is at morning she has got no chance to recover her lost phone but the phone itself provides the proof of her innocence as without any one's notice, it has recorded everything in it but having no charge in battery, it gets switched off later.

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