Lucky day.

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I had been working on maintaining my powers with Draco for the past months, there wasn't plenty of process, though I did once set fire on his curtains and desk but we don't talk about that.
Besides the power maintaining stuff me and Draco have been getting a whole lot closer. I usually stay in his dorm, we have a LOT of sex and I mean A LOT. But to be honest, I don't mind.

Although I didn't believe it myself, I was really falling for him.

It was almost December and the Yule ball was closing up, I was hoping Draco would ask me to accompany him but then, a ball doesn't seem like his cup of tea so I didn't let my expectations get too high.

Not too long ago we had a potions exam and today we got the results back. I got an A, Draco got a C and I'm still teasing him about it since he was bragging before the exam about how much he studied and how he was 100 percent sure that he would get an A.


I was walking towards the Slytherin common room when I gave my attention to a sobbing sound to my left. I turned my head and saw Pansy sitting on the window sill, crying.

Sure, I wasn't a total fan of her but I could hardly ignore the fact that she was crying right in front of my eyes so, I walked up to her.

"Hey, are you okay?"

She looked up at me with red tired eyes, "Do I look okay?" She snapped.

"Let me rephrase that. What's wrong?"

She wiped her tears and I sat down in front of her, not minding the rain beating against the window.

"I don't like you." She looked into my eyes and spoke sternly. "You're crying because you don't like me?" I chuckled and ran one hand through my hair.
"No, I don't want to talk to you about it because I don't like you."

"Oh, well, keep your friends close, your enemies closer, am I right?"

She smiled, "Alright, well, I got a B on the potions exam."

I furrowed my brows and thought to myself, why the hell is she sad because she got a B? I didn't get further into my head when she continued sobbing and whimpered out, "My parents are going to kill me."


"Pansy, look at me. You'll be fine. Don't make a highway of tears, you got a B. That's great, it won't lower your grade unless you have an A."

She started crying even more after I finished that sentence. "Was it the highway of tears thing? Sorry, I shouldn't have said that." I made a sorry expression with my face and my eyes filled with guilt.

She shook her head. "Oh, you have an A, don't you?"
After that, she nodded, "I can't come home with a B."

"If you get A:s on the following exams then your grade will stay the same. Don't worry about it." I grabbed my bag and was going to stand up and leave when she grabbed my wrist with an infrequent smile dancing on her lips. "Thank you."

I winked and walked off.


As soon as I opened the door to Draco's dorm I threw my bag on the floor and collapsed on his bed. I let the soft mattress catch me as I landed, but something was missing. Well, honestly someone.


That's when I heard the shower turn on. I quickly turned my head towards the bathroom door with a smirk on my edges.
I walked into the bathroom and looked at the shower, steam crawling up the shower doors only to fall down the edges and spread out on the floor again. The mirror was already turning foggy.

I got undressed and slowly opened the shower doors and stepped into the heated water. "Hey," I spoke with a soft voice and gently stroked his back. "You startled me, hi." He turned around and cupped my face.

"Sorry." I smiled and wrapped my arms around his torso.

I looked at his wet hair admiring how good he looked when the water dripped down on his cheeks from his hair, and put my hand against his smooth face, caressing his cheek softly.

"Kiss me." He didn't ask but he didn't demand. He smiled, so I smiled because honestly, you can't look at him when he's smiling without grinning yourself.

My lips brushed against his just long enough for me to inhale his breath and his scent that the water almost coated.

Our lips pulled apart, "Arielle I-"

I locked eyes with his and looked deep into his soul, "Draco?"

"Will you- I guess, well, no you don't have to really, but do you maybe want to attend the Yule Ball with me?" He raised one brow and gave me a nervous smile as he delicately rubbed my back.

"You ask me to go to the Yule Ball with you in the shower? How romantic." I teased and wrapped my arms around his neck with a smirk rising on my parted edges.

He chuckled shyly, "Yeah, couldn't imagine a further romantic place than the shower, honestly."

I laughed against his lips as I kissed him again. "I guess it's your lucky day. I would love to attend the ball with you."

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2021 ⏰

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