Everyone's afraid.

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This is extremely short and will probably be the shortest chapter I'll ever write. I hope it will still reach your expectations! <3


The ancient but frankly, quite soothing aroma filled my nostrils as I kept seated in the brown wooden chair in front of dumbledore's table where he met my questioning gaze from the other side.

"Yes, Arielle. Sheild-fire," He stood up and walked towards a bookshelf, "What you have is certainly special, only few wizards behold this power, and it's especially unusual to those who are not born through a magical family."

"Mudbloods you mean?" I crossed my arms.

"I do not very much fancy that expression, but yes. You will go through many obstacles to control this power, it will take a lot of time and strength." He skimmed his fingertip over the back of a few books until he stopped on an awfully old one.

He continued,
"In this book, you can learn what causes the power to show and how you can manage to control it. It might squeal simple but it is not. If you don't attempt badly enough you might harm someone, maybe even kill and then you may never learn. Be cautious, Arielle. Be very cautious."

He sat down and nodded for me to leave. I grabbed the book in my arms as if it was the only thing that could keep me and everyone else safe, but honestly, it kind of was.

Now it wasn't just the students that were afraid of me.

I was
afraid of
me too.


"How'd it go? Are you okay?" Draco had broken the rules and was waiting for me in the Gryffindor common room.

"I'm okay, I think. Surprised and worried, you know. I don't know if I'll hurt someone. I hope I won't. Dumbledore gave me this book, it's supposed to help me suppress my powers, I guess." I gave Draco the book and he browsed the pages with furrowed brows.

"Do you want me to help you?" He met my gaze and placed the book on the table in front of the couch where we were seated. "I don't want to risk you getting hurt so I think it's better if I do it alone."

He shook his head, "I won't get hurt. I want to help you and I unquestionably do not want you to go through this alone, Elle."

I gave him a big smile that made my eyes crease and looked into his baby blue eyes, "I like it when you call me Elle."

He returned the smile without a doubt, "Yeah?" He moved a little closer to me and tucked a curl behind my ear and then placed his huge hand on my cheek. I nodded, "Mhm."

Our lips met and he grabbed my thigh and gave me the sign to sit on his lap, and so I did.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and ran one hand through his soft hair.

He slid his hand up my shirt and unclasped my bra, his other hand up my skirt grabbing my ass. I broke the kiss and took my bra off leaving the shirt on.

I got halfway unbuttoning his shirt when a voice stopped us.

"I'm so sorry to interrupt but we have a study session here, in about five minutes." I looked back and met Hermione's polite eyes.

I sighed, "Yeah, sorry. We'll leave." I got off Draco and grabbed my bra and the book. He buttoned his shirt and followed me up the stairs to my room.

"Where were we?" He twirled me around and kissed me but I broke it after a few seconds. "I'm so sorry and very horny, but maybe I should read through this book."

"Yeah, you're probably right. Can I stay though?"

"Of course."


He had his head on my lap as I was taking in every line and word. I needed to learn how to control this, no matter what.

After a few hours, the book was finished and the smell of old pages left my nostrils and the worry of hurting someone had increased. Especially now that Draco was going to help me I had to be even more careful.

"So, the shield-fire shows when anger rises and you can control it through finding an anchor." I played with his hair and praised his shades of blonde and the golden sun gleamed in through my window landing on our skin. "Anchor? Meaning what exactly?"

"Something that makes you calm. Like a happy memory, a person, family member or even a scent."

"Okay, got it. Do you have some kind of happy memory, scent or person?" He looked into my eyes and gave me a small smile which I happily returned,

"Well, the smell of ocean makes me feel safe but it brings back memories that aren't the most decent. My family don't do a lot together since my mom pa-. Uh, moved. And Maya, Laura and I usually just party so, I don't know."

"So, in other words, this isn't going to be easy?"

I shook my head, "Probably not, sorry."

"Don't be, we will figure it out."

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