Chapter 65: We'll Meet Again

Start from the beginning

This celebration will at the very least boost morale for the Militia, and with Sage's offer, it will strengthen his relationship with them. If we can get everyone to work together, then we'll have a much better chance of defeating the V-Types.

The flowers are pretty, most of them being snowdrops since it's still rather cold out, with spring not having yet made its appearance. Milo is quick to point them out, along with the heather and wood sorrel, something that makes Sage quirk a brow, impressed.

"You seem to know quite a bit about plants."

He shrugs. "My sister used to work in the greenhouse. She constantly was telling me about the different flowers she worked with and forced me to draw pictures of them for her before she..." He trails off, pain crossing his features. "Before she died."

"Ah, yes. I do believe I've read that in one of Runner Five's files. You ended up getting recaptured and bitten, had you not, Five?"

My face scrunches up in discomfort. "Uh, yeah. Yeah, I was-I was bitten. Let's uh, not talk about that when we're getting ready celebrate something good."

My mind drifts so Sam's comment a few days ago, how we'd known I'd get bitten for a long time before that, and how we thought I would end up dying, and how terrifying that was. With what Catherine said, I don't want to remind Sam or myself of that time, since it was so traumatic and we find ourselves, possibly, in a similar waiting period of me dying.

Because I can't ever catch a break, it seems.

We make it to the entrance, quickly heading over to the pier, making sure to go around the masses, since trying to maneuver through them would take who knows how long. Seeing all these people, I forgot just how big the Exmoore Militia really is. I always knew they were a fairly large and organized group, but seeing it just puts in perspective just how many people are a part of Exmoore.

I look around, frowning when I can't see Jules in the crowd. Unfortunately I don't see any white hair, which is the woman's most defining feature. "Where is she?"

Sam seems to be picking up on just who I'm referring to, and he hums in thought. "Well, Jules is supposed to meet you right where you are. I don't know how she'll get through that crowd."

Colonel Sage takes a sweeping glance around. "It's an impressive celebration. How did they find so much bunting?"

"We do still have our resources," Jules says from behind me, and I jump in shock, spinning around to face her as I try to calm myself. Her eyes aren't on me though. "Colonel Sage, is it not?"

He nods and offers her a hand she doesn't take. "Yes, and I-"

"Five, good to see you," She says to me, and her eyes light up when she sees Milo. "And I see you've brought your son. It's been a few months, but I do remember he was with you and King Jaime when you went to contact the Undaunted. It's nice to see you as well, Runner Eight." She glances at Sage. "As for your company, any friend of Abel is... allowed within our borders."

I cringe, but Sage brushes off her cold demeanor.

"Thank you. And wonderful job with the security. I didn't know a noisy celebration like this would be possible in the apocalypse."

She nods, not impressed with his flattery. "We drafted in more citizens to work on our security. Five, I do hope you'll stay to watch the ceremony. I'm giving a toast to Harry and the others. We've even got champagne. I'm sure the crew will think it's too much, but we're happy to have them home, even for a short while."

"On that note, I have a proposition-"

"No time now, Colonel. I'll talk to you after the ceremony."

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