Wall Rose Chaos

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"And what about you?"

Erwin moved his gaze towards the mess of papers on his desk. At the front of the pile was Isanna's report about Annie Leonhart's background and two particular new recruits who coincidentally came from the same area as her before she joined the Training Corps, as well as belonged to the squads who had been deliberately misinformed that Eren's position during the 57th expedition was in the left flank, where the female titan was reported to have first appeared.

Records had been blotchy especially after the fall, but Isanna still managed to scrape up whatever she could find and found this thin connection between the three cadets.

Bertholdt Hoover and Reiner Braun. Both who were presumed to be at the front lines.

"The government has decided to dispatch the Military Police this time around. I will lead them to Trost and meet up with Commander Pixis."

After a mulling second, she obliged to his instruction. Folding the paper in her hands, she stalked towards the door to prepare for their departure.

In less than hour, the Scouts were lining in front of the gate of Stohess, soldiers mounted on their respective horses while carrying fire torches. An uneasy air of tension and anxiety combined floated above the night sky and weighed down heavily on each shoulder.

The coarse grip of the torch pressed tightly against Isanna's palm, fire crackling as wisps of smoke and specks of ashes blew out.

A soldier yelled to open the gate, and there was a loud clamor of grating noise as the gate with an intricate carving of a woman's side profile steadily lifted up, grinding against the sides of the hole.

She watched as Erwin directed Maximus to the front of the formation, the white stallion whinnying, before he pulled him around to face his men. "The situation within Wall Rose is unclear, but everything up until Ehrmich is safe." He added that they were going to save time by passing through the southern outer district of Wall Sina, before he pulled his reigns and faced ahead.

"Move out!"

"Yes, sir!"

The line of Scouts followed after their Commander's horse, filing out of the gate of Stohess and into the other side of the wall. They continued to ride by the wall towards the southern district, arriving at Ehrmich in no time; by this point, scores of civilians were being herded by MP soldiers, faces all pale and painted with sheen sweat at the recent crisis.

"After locating the breach with Hanji's team, report back to me in Trost," Erwin told Isanna as the both of them discussed their action plan. "I've already instructed Hanji to take responsibility in plugging up the hole with Eren's power in the case I arrive later than anticipated."

He had also already commanded her to guide her team towards an abandoned castle situated around the southwest part of Wall Rose since it was close to the wall, making it the ideal spot for a lookout.

Currently, the two were conversing privately inside one of the concrete buildings in the Scouts' subdivision quarters in Ehrmich, while the rest of the soldiers were resupplying their equipments before their departure towards the south for the supposed breach.

She nodded. "Roger that. And what of cadet Hoover and Braun? The report we received from Mike's team said the 104th recruits were in heavy surveillance when the titans were spotted."

A thoughtful frown flashed by his expression as he mulled over it. "Perhaps our enemies have pulled out another hidden card."

".. Are you saying there might be another titan capable of destroying the wall?"

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