Havoc in Trost

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A buzzing clamor of unrest was rippling across the crowd of soldiers from both Garrison and Training Corps near the southern inner gate of Wall Rose; just earlier that very morning, the colossal titan had appeared seemingly out of nowhere just as it did five years ago, kicked through the outer gate of Trost district, and puffed out in a heap of steam.

The colossal titan really said: "Hey guys, brought some titan friends for ya. Peace out!" and dipped.

Commander Pixis was now currently standing at the top of Wall Rose with the other Garrison soldiers who were stationed at the rim, readying themselves with the artillery in the case of the appearance of the armored titan. After the unexpected tragedy five years ago at Wall Maria, the military had formulated emergency plans should the same incident occur again, so everybody was now more alert compared to before.

What Pixis had not expected, was that a fresh graduate from the Training Corps, could in fact, turn into a titan.

Yes, you read that right. A human could transform into a titan. Such revelation was beyond their expectations.

Commander Pixis had received news from a messenger about how the said human-titan had appeared during the battle to defend Trost while evacuating the civilians, and that it had apparently assisted in preserving the other graduates' lives while they were fighting to replenish their gases.

Of course, Pixis had to see the human-titan for himself and rushed to meet the boy in question.

Now, he, along with the said human-who-could-turn-into-a-titan who went by the name Eren Jaeger, were standing at the top of Wall Rose along with the teenager's friends, a raven haired girl named Mikasa Ackerman and a blond boy named Armin Arlert, who had suggested an unconventional yet sort-of plausible plan to use Eren's titan and plug up the hole in Trost district.

Pixis did not waste time and called for his skilled troops up the wall to devise an on-the-spot emergency plan to retake Trost district.

While the squad leaders of the Garrison's 1st Division Elite Forces, Armin, and Mikasa were discussing the details of the plan, the old Commander and Eren stood atop the wall while surveying the disarray of soldiers down below, who were waiting for further orders.

After bellowing out a command to call for everyone's attention, Pixis proceeded to inform everybody about Eren Jaeger being the result of their titan experiments (a temporary cover up), before going to announce their plan to use his titan to plug the hole.

Just as Pixis expected, the soldiers did not take the news of the plan nicely.

Murmurs of skepticism and dissatisfaction ruptured throughout the soldiers below, and the Commander knew they were all doubtful of the credibility of the plan and its core component, Eren Jaeger.

For the colossal titan to appear in the same day our best soldiers embarked on an expedition.. what a stroke of bad luck, Pixis thought grimly, his thoughts going to the Survey Corps who had left for their 56th expedition beyond the walls earlier that very day, it's as if it had actually knew and planned for it..

As the soldiers of both Training Corps and Garrison began leaving their ranks and abandoning their duties, Commander Pixis breathed in and yelled in another loud bellow,

"Upon my order! Anyone who leaves right now will go unpunished!"

After his declaration, the other soldiers regarded their Commander with shock.

Pixis continued on to say that if one's fear of the titans had got to them, then they will never be able to stand against their enemies.

This was another reason why Pixis had utmost respect for the Survey Corps. Despite all the odds and defeat, they had never given up and continued to push forward.

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