He could be a dick but only if you did something that pissed Brian off.

"Nervous?" Clay asked, glancing shortly over at the brunette and put his hand that was resting on the console onto George's thigh.

George tilted his head slightly to the side, signalling that Clay was partially right. (my dad does this😐 so now I do too)

"Kind of," George said.

"There's nothing to be worried about, I assure you." Clay said, shaking George's thigh, "I'll be there with you if anything happens."

George nodded and rested his head on the window, watching as the cars rushed by.

{The tw's start here and last
through the whole chapter}

After a short drive they arrived at the house the party was held in.

Clay stopped the car and the two of them got out, Clay locking the car once both of them had gotten out.

They walked hand in hand up to the house, spotting a couple of people in the garden, drinking.

George felt a shiver go up his spine as they walked inside the house, the feeling of heat and the strong smell of sweat mixed with alcohol making him nauseous.

Clay must've noticed because he tightened his hold on George's hand and squeezed it.

"Are you okay?" Clay asked, holding tightly onto George's hand as he pulled the shorter with as he looked for the kitchen.

George nodded but then remembered that Clay wasn't looking at him. "Yeah, I'm good." he mumbled.

Clay finally found the kitchen and pulled George with him by his sleeve, glancing back at the shorter every now and then to wake sure he was okay.

The blonde let go of George's sleeve and wrapped his arm around the brunette's shoulders instead and pulled him closer to himself.

"Want a drink?" Clay asked, holding out an open can for George to take if he wanted.

George shrugged, what's the worst thing that could happen?

"Sure, why not?" George said and Clay passed him the can.

George took the beer can into his hand and brought it up to his lips, taking a large sip of it.

"Ew," George said, passing Clay the can again.

Clay chuckled at George's reaction and took the can back, taking a sip of it as well.

"You get used to it." Clay said, "Do you want your own drink?"

The brown haired boy scrunched his face and shook his head. "No thank you." George said.

"Okay." Clay said, walking out of the kitchen with his arm wrapped around George's shoulders, dragging the shorter with him.


George yawned, he had started getting kind of tired.

They had been at the party for a lot longer than George wanted, and he just wanted to go home by now.

"Can we go home now, Clay?" George asked, met with no answer.

He looked around himself, spotting Clay nowhere near him and not anywhere in the room either.

"Clay?" he mumbled, not really wanting anyone to hear him.

That wasn't really good was it?

He walked out of the crowded room and out to the hallway, hoping to find Clay somewhere.

You touched my heart // dnfWhere stories live. Discover now