Izuku looked at it and looked back at the hero. Afterwards he nodded in confirmation. The collar he formerly had worn was to suppress his quirks. This is only his location. He knew it was for safety. And if he did take it off, he would get punished. Getting punished isn't fun, he knew that. He will behave.

"So, are you ready to live with me and my husband? "

Izuku nodded again. Aizawa took of the handcuffs the boy had still on. For the first time since he woke up, Izuku could move his arms around freely. Aizawa went to his ankles and took the cuffs of them too. Now the boy was free from his bed, he went sitting on it. He was looking at Aizawa and saw his bandages. He grabbed his notebook.

{Can I see what Shigaraki has done to you?}

Aizawa took of his bandages and showed the partly disintegrated elbow. Izuku recognized the wound all to well. The same as some scars on his own body. His hand was glowing green now and he took the mans elbow. The elbow healed up until it was only a big scar.

"How did you do that?"


"Yeah I can see you healed me. But how"

{It is my second quirk. I can use life force to make things younger or age up things. Healing is a part of it}

"Second quirk? You know what. Tell it all when we are at Nezu's office. We will go there later today. First I am you showing where you live"

Aizawa walked out of the room. The boy was following him quietly, Looking around to all the people walking in the halls. He didn't like it. It remembers him of the labs. He walked to the hero who was looking at him. He had been standing still for a while. Izuku stayed as close as possible as the were walking further.

The home was small but lovely. It was an appartement on the 7th level of a building. It had 2 bedrooms and one bathroom, but the second bedroom had his own toilet. The appartement has a balcony and it was full of plants. Apparently, Hizashi like flowers and plants a lot. The man wasn't at home. Aizawa walked in to the living room. Izuku still was in the small hallway. He told Izuku to come inside and Izuku followed his order. Now standing frozen in the living room, the man told the boy to relax.

"Listen. This is your home, you can go everywhere you want and do whatever you want. Just don't break stuff and things like that. So relax a bit. I will show you your room"

He walked to one of the doors and opened it. It revealed a bedroom with a queensize bed and a desk with a computer on it. It also has a closet with some clothes in it. They didn't look that stylish but it was better than what Izuku was wearing. Aizawa told the boy that they could go shopping for clothes and room decoration in the next days.

Izuku walked in to the room giving the man a small smile.

"Tha Zawa"

"Uhh sure kid"

There was a silence.

"Mic probably can learn you talk again. If one person he is the most fitted for it"

Izuku remembered hearing about a hero with a speech quirk. Was this present mic? He tried to laugh but it only made a weird sound. This made Aizawa laugh. Izuku looked down in shame

"Its fine kid. Nothing to be ashamed of"

Izuku smiled shyly and nodded. They walked out of the room again, Aizawa walked to the small kitchen making some breakfast for him and the boy. Izuku went looking at what he was getting. At the league, breakfast was mostly a piece of bread and some yoghurt. It sounds normal but the bread mostly was almost moldy and the yoghurt was menged with water. Seeing Aizawa making rich sandwiches made Izuku's eyes widen. Was it for him too? He saw Aizawa using ham and different vegetables. It looked very tasty.

He was so happy when Aizawa put down a plate before him. It was for him too!

{Is this really for me too?}

"Of course. Breakfast is an important meal. Didn't you have breakfast like this?"

Izuku shook his head.

"Hmm okay. Now you have, so dig in"

Aizawa started eating and Izuku stared at the plate. After a while he started eating slowly.

Nezu sat at his desk when Aizawa and Izuku were coming in. Izuku was seemingly nervous to meet the principal. Aizawa had dragged him trough the halls of UA. All other students were in their classes, so the halls were empty. Izuku had struggled to walk to the office. He absolutely didn't enjoy this. It was like he was going to his Sensei when Sensei was in a bad mood. The anxiety was high and Izuku was nervous as hell.

Once they were sitting in the chairs, Nezu has introduced himself. Izuku tried to say his name.


He told Izuku to introduce himself now to the principal. Izuku did what was told. Now it was time for business.

"Tell me Izuku, what is your quirk?"

{I have 2. They are Darkness and Life force}

"You have 2? How do you have 2?"

{Sensei and the doctors gave them to me. Kacchan told me I was quirkless before}

"Hmm interesting. What do your quirks do?"

{Darkness is dark energy stored inside me. I can release it and use it as weapon or shield. I can use it to jump higher or punch harder. I can use it on sticks or other object to fire it like you probably have seen in the USJ. I also can shoot it from my hands}

The two teachers read the bord before Izuku erased it.

{Life force is using someone's or somethings energy to rewind or age it. It can only be used on living things. I can heal with it or take someone's life. If I age something up I get the energy from it. If I heal I use my own energy}

The two adults looked both in a different way to the boy. One looked like he was in a candy store and everything was free. The other had a difficult face with a concerning frown.

"Anything else?" Nezu asked

{Yeah. I was getting injected with a drug once a month. Sensei told me it was to keep powers under control. It wasn't a month ago yet but I don't know what happens if I don't get it}

Now the principal looked like he got the jackpot.

"That will be fun! Can't wait to see your power!"

The other man gave him a glare.

"This isn't a game Nezu"

"It will be fine Aizawa" he said confidential.

"Okay Izuku. Next Monday, you are starting in class 1-A. You will be trained a hero and follow all the classes. After school, Yamada is going to teach you how to speak. He lives at your place so that will be easy. We will protect you against villains and watch over you. For now, you can settle in and I have someone waiting to show you around"

"I have a class to teach so I will be going now" Aizawa told with a monotone voice.

He left the room, but in the door stood the ash blond boy.

"Kacchan!" Izuku cheered.

The boy grinned and walked in.

"Lets have some fun" He told the greenette

They waved the principal goodbye and walked out the office. 

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