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This chapter credits has been given to aryareyes

Summary : Takes place after the 100 years quest, during the grand magic games.

The entire arena was plunged into a dangerous silence that could be heard like the sound of water droplets.  Thin layers of ice covered the surfaces of the stadium as the people of Crocus gasped at the scene unfolding before their eyes.  Even the announcers were stunned by what was happening. The quiet. The stadium was calm. A calm before the storm.  The next moment, the stadium exploded as if it were on fire. If the silence of a minute ago was dangerous, the overwhelming ovation of the audience was destructive.

Before the eyes of the crowd shouting Fairy Tail pride, stood Fiore’s only water mage, the fairies’ emblem glinting on her left thigh, her fierce gaze a determination that was known only to Fairy Tail mages. The layer of magical water around her slowly and gently faded, leaving her slightly bruised face to appear in full view of the people of Crocus as she raised a hand, thumb and forefinger pointing to the sky, displaying the symbol of Fiore’s finest guild to mark her victory.

Her opponent was stunned on the ground, not too shocked by her defeat, rather a small smile curling her lips, eyes closed in exhaustion. She looked peaceful, arms outstretched, looking up to the sky and listening to the crowd’s ovation. She really loved Fairy Tail after all, she couldn’t afford to be a sore loser when they were the ones who taught her the meaning of fighting for their nakama. And she fought faithfully to the end this time. The exclamations of her guildmates did not go unnoticed and she opened one eye to look at the girl standing a few feet away from her, her smile widened. Yes, she certainly wasn’t a bad loser if her opponent was Juvia Lockser.

Watching her from the arena with his chaotic friends blowing out his eardrums and wreaking havoc, Gray couldn’t help but be beguiled by her beauty. She stood there and fiercely displayed the symbol of their guild with that triumphant little smile on her lips, even though he knew she was about to pass out from exhaustion. Not to mention the soft blue trail left by her magic around her,—Yes, Juvia Lockser was truly breathtaking and he, Gray Fullbuster, was head over heels for her. After years of he pinning on him and him pushing his feelings deep into his soul by fear of losing her, he was finally able to proudly admit that he was madly in love with this beautiful and crazy woman who managed to melt his ice and forge her way into his heart.

- “ Quite staring lover boy! Go get your girl fast! You wouldn’t want someone else to have her, would you?” The voice of his drunken friend snapped him out of his reverie, bringing him back to reality.

Once his mind registered his words, his cheeks tingled ever so slightly and he looked away from his friends to stubbornly stare at the lacrima screen, which displayed the scores. Fairy Tail was in the lead, unsurprisingly, with thirty-seven points. The pride he felt knowing that the last five points had been won by his girl in the hard fought battle that had just ended was indescribable. He unconsciously scratched his cheek before glancing at Cana who was smirking and Natsu who was laughing. Erza pushed him towards the stairs or the main hallway with a knowing smile, while Lucy and Wendy smiled contentedly. Gray rolled his eyes and headed for the stairs.

It was the third day of the big magic games and solo battles were in the spotlight today. The winners of the day were Jellal Fernandez of the newly formed Crime Sorcery guild - officially, against Kagura of Mermaid heel, his annoying brother Lyon who beat Jenny of Blue Pegasus and the winner of the last battle, his Juvia. His stupid heart skipped another beat and he groaned as he felt the chaos in his stomach.

When the cool breeze hit his bare skin and the crowd started cheering again, while Jason’s “Cool! Cool! Cool!” echoed through the stadium, he knew he had exited the hallway leading to the center arena. His eyes were on the girl in front of him as she turned around, a little too quickly for her condition to give that lovely smile she reserved only for him. Gray rushed to take her in his arms when her legs finally gave out, she sighed heavily with exhaustion but was still delighted to be in the arms of her Gray-sama.

- « Reckless idiot, didn’t I tell you not to overdo it? » He mumbled but his tone was too soft and filled with so much affection to be considered as anger.

Juvia smiled as she looked at him gently, «Thank you, for catching Juvia Gray-sama.» Her voice was almost a whisper but he heard her, his arms tightening around her naturally as she wrapped an arm around his neck as fatigue overtook her.

- « Always» He murmured with a soft smile, watching her as he adjusted her into a comfortable position against his chest. « Rest Juvs.» He said sensing her struggle to keep her eyes open, and that was all she needed to close her eyes in the embrace of the man she loved, feeling the familiar security envelop her.

-«DID YOU SEE THAT!!! GRAY FULLBUSTER OF FAIRY TAIL IS CARRYING JUVIA LOCKSER IN A PRINCESS LIKE STYLE SO NATURALLY!!! WERE THE RUMORS TRUE THEN?! THEY ARE REALLY DATING!!?? COOL COOL COOOOL!!» Jason’s voice exclaimed through the speakers and Gray winced slightly while hurrying his steps to the hallway, blushing madly and swearing under his breath in embarrassment.

The Gray of two years ago would have yelled, accusing them of talking nonsense, but he wasn’t the same Gray now - at least, not when it came to Juvia. He was, now, the man who could protect his woman, he could handle a little embarrassment now and then, if it was for her sake. He no longer denied his feelings for Juvia, she had held his heart for far longer than he would admit, and he was finally ready to give her the love she deserved without holding anything back, just as she had done all these years. After all, that was his goal when he decided to go on the hundred-years quest seven months ago: to become a man who could protect her and then go, get her no matter what.

Don’t take too long to wake up Juvia, don’t make us wait anymore because I can’t wait to be with you.


This story is credited to aryareyes on Tumblr


I ain't the author / writer tho
But anyways I am here to say that this story is been taken and the credits are given to the writer/author.
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