Murderer!Katsuki x Reader(Au) - Heart Throb Killer

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This is going to contain - blood, gore, major character death, descriptive kills, sexual teasing, smexy skinny dipping, mild sexy time in the lake, pining for a mysterious man.

Welcome to Teen Slasher 101, my dudes. I'm going to have so much fun writing this.(Altho I picture everyone in this story line being young adults, like 20s just to let you know sksk)

This is a Jason Voorhees type of murder mystery. Where reader stumbles upon a handsome stranger in the woods, and starts to get a funny feeling when her friends start disappearing one by one.

Just to reiterate, this is NOT a completely new story for those whom started following me 2-3 years ago will know this was one of the stories created via Halloween Suggestions.

I still hope you enjoy, please tap the star button for me and comment if you have time. 


"I'm so glad you decided to come to the lake with us, (Y/n)!" Beamed your very excited pink haired friend, bumping you playfully with her shoulder.

"I did agree to come before..that incident happened it's fine. Shoto and I, well we've put it behind us. I want to have the best week ever with you guys." You did your best to show her and Kirishima whom was sitting on your other side an eager smile. Even if at the back of your mind breaking up with your boyfriend of two years was weighing on your mind.

"That's the spirit (Y/n)! It wouldn't of felt right without the whole brigade." Kiri's pearly white enhanced smile brought an infectious one to your own lips. It was a nice feeling the sincerity behind how excited he was, even if maybe he just wanted some unhindered alone time with his bubble gum princess.

"We managed to get the whole gang here. You, Mina, Me, Midoriya driving his car with Uraraka in the passenger seat and lets not forget..." He turned and pointed at the car trailing behind you, getting an excited wave from his thunder haired friend. " Kaminari driving his girlfriend Jirou and Todoroki. Looks like he's sleeping in the back seat."

"Kirishima-kun has a point, we haven't spent a whole lot of time together. This is the getaway we all needed." Ochako turns her head to smile at everyone but her pink cheeks especially brighten at the green haired Midoriya. Whom smiles gently oblivious to her feelings like the little cinnamon bun he is.

A small soundless sigh escapes your lips as you turn and look past Mina's head to watch the tree's whiz by. Honestly you weren't really feeling as enthused as you should of been, part of you completely petty about not wanting to be in the same space with the man whom you'd caught cheating on you. Deep inside you spitted him wholeheartedly and refused to listen to the many excuses he tried to lob in your direction.

Deku slows his car as he turns onto a dirt road that gives you the first chance to catch the sparkling gleam from the large lake next to the cabin. He pulls up by the back door, immediately followed by Kaminari parking alongside him. Everyone files out with enthusiasm, while you're just grateful to get off your ass it was starting to feel numb from sitting for nearly 3 hours straight.

"This place is amazing, Midoriya! Props man for finding such a legit cabin!" Kaminari grinned smacking his green haired friend on the back, earning a sheepish rub of the back of his head but a genuine smile none the less.

"I'm glad you like it, I hope everyone finds it comfortable. My uncle Toshi said we could borrow it for the week as long as we don't leave it completely trashed." Midoriya explained, with the hope everyone wouldn't be messy. He also assured there was enough rooms to give everyone their own space, it was a rather large estate after all.

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