Thirteen - "Let's not talk about Gale."

Start from the beginning

“Let’s not talk about Gale.” The voice startled me, but the owner of the voice placed an iced coffee in front of me on the table. I turn to his face, which is warm and welcoming as always. His smirk only rises on the right side of his face, and his eyes are the same shade of ocean blue as the first day I met him on the way to the bathroom at Annie and Fin’s.

“Iced coffee, my favorite! How did you know?” I say in probably a too excited voice because a couple giggles form from the table as Peeta sits down across from me.

“I just know.” He winks. I giggle back because I honestly don’t know what to say back to that. I’m sure he just guessed and just takes credit for being right. Not another Gale creep.

My mind races every time a word leaves his mouth. I probably just over think everything he says because I don’t truly know who he is, I don’t know his parents, and does he have siblings? Probably things I’ll never find out.

“So Annie. I’m sure you are just so excited for the wedding? It’s only a week away.” Peeta questions her. Well of course it’s exciting, I mean she is a girl. She loves Finnick, and when there’s a wedding it’s all about looking good and having all the attention on the wife.

“Yes, it’s creeping up very fast. But, I’m very excited. Nervous too of course. But I’m sure my maid of honor will be there to pick me up if I fall coming down the aisle.” Annie laughs and turns to me for assurance.

“Of course Annie.” I giggle, my eyes trail off in a different direction. I don’t really want to engage in his conversation, I don’t know how I think about weddings. I’ve never been good with commitment, as you can tell. Commitment scares me.

Apparently not Peeta.

“Finding ‘the-one’ must be an amazing feeling. I sometimes wonder if I’ve ever met her before--” he trails off looking down at his drink.

“I knew Annie was ‘the one’ the second my pair of eyes met hers,” Finnick cuts Peeta off. Fin smiles and grabs Annie’s hand from across the table and toys his finger on her engagement ring that is placed on her left hand. The diamond on the ring is bigger than any diamond I’ve ever laid my eyes on. The ring is beautiful but I can’t help but feel a pang of jealousy hit me.

I can feel the awkwardness when no one is talking, just Annie and Finnick giggling from both sides of the table. My eyes reach Peeta’s, who was already looking at me with the same expression, not knowing what to say next to break the awkward cloud that has come over our table.

I’m terrible in these type of situations. I always come up with the worse thing to say.

“So.. When are we heading back to Annie and Fin’s?” I ask Peeta. He shakes his head and smiles. I shouldn’t have said that, I feel rude now. But Annie and Finnick didn’t hear a word, they’re still gazing in each other’s eyes. Doing that stupid telepathic talking they always do. Creepy.

“We can leave now, Ms. Everdeen.” When my name comes from his voice, it’s like haering my name for the first time all over again. He gets up from the table and walks behind my chair, and pulls my chair out from the table. “Before you, Ms. Everdeen. Your highness.” He points in the direction of the exit.

I giggle. “Wow. Mr. Mellark. You’re really looking for a smack today.” I giggle between sentences trying to keep a straight face and look stern when I talk. “Bow down to me, peasant.” I point to the ground, trying to joke with him.

His eyes light up in shock, but his face softens. Then he bows down on one knee, going with the plan. I continue to giggle, and I can see the same smirk is still formed on his face from earlier today.

“Thank-you.” I laugh and pat him on the head, signalling him he can now rise.

He stands up with his body very close to mine. He looks me dead in the eyes, with a look on his face I don’t think I’ve ever encountered. I can smell the chocolate mint on his breath, I can’t decide if it’s appealing or appalling. It could be an illusion but it feels like his face is coming closer to mine and the space between us is a mere couple of inches.

Author's Note: Hello everyone!
I can't believe that this story has almost made a thousand reads! So many more reads that I could ever imagine. Thanks so much to each and every one of you! I'm trying to update as often as I can find the time! It's exam week at my University! I'm sure you can all understand. 

I apperciate all the votes and comments! I want to know what you think. If you have any ideas that you would like incorporated or thrown out there don't be afraid to comment of message me.

Find any typos or incorrect wording, just let me know. I have not went through my story to critique it yet. However, that will all come with time. 

Yours truly,

"Can I trust you?" - EverlarkWhere stories live. Discover now