Chapter Fourteen: Pretending

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3rd Pov

Alcor opened his eyes slowly and was met with a beautiful sight, his mother's garden. He smiled, sighing contently Alcor tried to get up but couldn't, something or someone was on his leg preventing such. Alcor looked down and saw Bill holding on to his leg tightly, sleeping. Alcor brushed his hand over Bill's cheek, Bill smiled softly leaning into Alcor's touch. Alcor smiled to himself and began gently running his fingers through Bill's soft hair, Bill purred quietly. 'Cute...' Alcor thought, as Alcor thought about Bill his mind drifted to the conclusion he had reached. He liked Bill, but was that all it was. Did he want to be with Bill as lovers or was this just a little crush. He didn't know but he was determined to find out.

Alcor snapped out of his thoughts when Azzy called out to him through their mind connection. 'Dipper, I don't know where you are but get up. Will says it's time to go back to Gravity Falls. Everyones waiting for you two in the throne room.' 'We'll be there in a bit.'Alcor answered, he felt Azzy nod and cut the connection. 'I guess were going back to that hell hole. I hope taking over doesn't take to long I might lose it and kill someone or something if it does.' Alcor thought and frowned, he looked over to Bill and smiled warmly. "Bill." Alcor called out softly, Bill stirred in his sleep and hummed tiredly in response. "Wake up, it's time to go back to Gravity Falls." Alcor told Bill softly almost in a whisper, he nodded his head and got up slowly.

Bill rubbed his eyes, he blinked a few times clearing up his vision and once he could see he smiled at Alcor. "Good morning Pinetree~" Bill cooed in a deep husky voice making Alcor shudder at the sound. Bill chuckled and hugged Alcor, "I'm happy we enjoyed our last peaceful day together..." Bill whispered in Alcors ear. Alcor blushed a bit but quickly shook it off and returned Bill's hug. "Yeah. Now let's go take over Gravity Falls so we can go back to laying with each other!" Alcor exclaimed, Bill chuckled quietly and they pulled away from each other. "Of course my Pinetree~" Bill cooed making a light blush dust over Alcor's cheeks. They both got up, Bill pulled Alcor into a side hug. "Where to Pinetree?" Bill asked bringing his hand up, ready to teleport them away. "Throne room." Alcor said simply, Bill nodded and snapped his fingers.

Alcor and Bill looked around and found themselves in the throne room. Will was talking to Azzy in front of the throne, Izzy was jumping around the room. The Hencmainiacs were standing off to the left side of the throne talking amongst themselves. Alcors parents were standing to the right side of the throne gesturing for Bill to come over. Bill reluctantly left Alcor's side to see what they wanted. As Bill left Alcor chuckled mischievously when he saw Will and Azzy together, both blushing a bit. Alcor creeped up on them and smiled innocently. "You two seem to be getting close, got something you wanna tell us all? Hmm?" Alcor teased, Will began to stutter frantically, Azzy wore a poker face and just stared at Alcor. As soon as Izzy overheard the conversation she stopped bouncing around and raced to their side.

"WHAT!" Izzy exclaimed loudly catching everyones attention in the room. Izzy puffed out her cheeks, furrowed her eyebrows and whined. "YOUR CHEATING ON ME!" Izzy jokingly exclaimed dramatically. Though everyone in the room other than Alcor and Azzy thought she was being serious. Alcor and Izzy fought off their giggles and kept a serious face. Azzy nodded casually not noticing the horror on Will's and the shock on everyone else's face. Will was absolutely stunned, it was pretty obvious that he was interested in Azzy and he was sure that Azzy was interested in him. "Y-you and h-her a-are t-together?" Will asked trying hiding the devastation in his voice.

Alcor, Izzy and Azzy snapped out of their own worlds and looked at Will as if just remembering he was there. 'N-no of course not, it's a joke between us!' Azzy shouted in Will's head but he was so worried he'd lose Will he let his gaurd down and everyone heard his thoughts. Will sighed in relief and Azzy chuckled nervously glaring at Alcor and Izzy. "Sorry for scaring you Will it's an inside joke, but don't worry I'm aromantic, Azzy's gay as hell!" Izzy explained to Will making him feel much better and added. "And I'm pretty sure we all know who he's gay for~" Izzy cooed and winked at Will earning herself a punch to the shoulder from Azzy. Alcor laughed and decided he should see his parents before he leave seeing as how they seemed done with Bill.

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