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At a fast speed, I arrived at the mansion, seeing Jungkook in their respective cars and their padded outfits.

Namjoon handed me the vest which I put on for safety. "In Shibuya, I tracked and Yoongi figured that they were in a bar."

"See you there." I pulled up my trunk to reveal an arsenal of guns that I usually use. I put a pistol at the side of my vest, and also I kept a reminder to bring my AK-47 later.

I saw them drive off the mansion and I did the same. As I drive, I put on the intercom so that I could also hear my teammates. Luckily we all arrived at a record time.

I set me and Jungkook to go to the place, I set Yoongi and Namjoon to hit from a farther sight, and the rest of the team backs us up.

It was quiet. Unbelievably quiet. I'm sure that they have dad and Jin downstairs so I took the initiative to go down.

The rest of the team followed me to the stairs and it revealed two figures tied into the chair. Father and Jin, almost unidentifiable because of the sacks they wrapped around their heads, but I easily knew from the body build. I can see that the bar is empty. It was a bar but the chairs were pulled into the side, making the bar spacious.

"What the fuck." I curse quietly as I keep alarmed. I held the gun in my hand, tactfully.

"Ishiwara Y/N." A voice called from the upper part of the bar. "Bring your gun down, I'm not gonna hurt you."

"You already damaged my father, why am I not gonna think that you're not gonna hurt me?" I still pointed the gun at the figure walking to me.

"You know what, I knew you were with Sana just an hour ago." He says. Fucking Nakamoto Yuta.

"I'm with her yeah, and what are you going to do about that?"

"You do know that I have a place in the palace, right? What if I kill her off with your dad and Jin?"

I pulled a warning fire to his feet. I'm sure that the bullet hit his ankle, forcing him to fall down the ground.

His team moved and pulled their guns at me and two towards Jin and father.

My team did the same, pulling guns towards the people who tried to fire at me.

"Move a bit to the side, Y/N" Yoongi said over the intercom.

I did what he says, "Don't move."

I saw a perfect headshot from Yoongi and Namjoon that hit the head of the people who tried to shoot father and Jin.

The gang started rioting and shots were fired left and right. Nakamoto also pulled his gun from his side trying to shoot at me but then, I deflected it and I kicked the gun out of his hand. I also stepped on the bullet I shot at him to make him feel pain while I helped my team defeat Nakamoto's gang members.

Jungkook declared it clear only in a matter of 5 minutes. Nakamoto's gang was down, and the leader was crying under me. This is gonna be embarrassing to show.

"Just thank God that I can't kill you." I say. "Who told you to do this?"

He cries, "My dad! It's my dad!"

"So, the Prince, huh." I let my foot go off the bullet shot I inflicted on him. "Alright. I need to clean this up."

I shoot another shot at Nakamoto's leg. "Good night, Yuta."

I check on my dad, and Jin who is currently unconscious.

I pulled my phone out from my pocket and called Jihyo.

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