Hanz request to join

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kling kling ... kling kling...

Hanz's shoot ends at dawn for his new movie. He closed his eyes to take a nap due to exhaustion but his phone suddenly rings.  

"Hel-" he immediately moves his phone away from his ears. The person in the next line nags him without a pause, raising her voice to emphasize that she is pissed. 

"What the hell Hanz? it slips your mind again?!" Zi roared. 

"This is too much! Should I remind you about the fuc*ing anniversary every time?!. Bullshit!"

When the other line is silent, Hanz took it as his chance to explain, "Babe, I remember. I was only trying to sleep for a few minutes then go to your house to celebrate our anniversary. "

"Oh! please Hanz. I've heard that same reason last year. You know what, you can focus on your career and I'll focus on mine. Let's end this shitty relationship." Zi is a strong independent woman and she will never beg a man to give her some time.

"What?!! What are you saying? Wait, Zi 'wh-" Hanz is surprised at Zi's decision, they were together for two years now and he knows that he loved Zi, or else why would he pursue her in the first place? 

"Whatever Hanz. Find someone who can tolerate you and your career. Bye!"

tot.. tot.. tot

What just happened? Was I dumped? Seriously? just because I wasn't able to greet her?! So, what are you going to do Hanz?! What?

As much as Hanz wants to go to Zi's place to coax her, his body is telling him to rest, he's been shooting for two straight days with two hours of sleep. Pain and drowsiness in one, Hanz falls deeply into sleep.


It was 9:00 pm when Hanz woke up and the first thing he felt is "hunger". Yes! he's hungry.

He tried to find whatever is easy to cook in the refrigerator. There's egg and noodles, he quickly cooks it. For a moment, it didn't come to his mind about what happened with Zi until he saw the couple's mug with a heart handle. 

His chest pounds in pain and without knowing his tears fall from his eyes. He was trying to make himself believe that everything is just a dream but the pain is too real.

He wanted to talk to Zi, he needs to explain his side.

I need to pacify the situation. I need to redeem myself. I can't lose her.

He grabs a bottle of wine and went back to his room to get his phone. He keeps on drinking while scrolling thru his phone. 

Kling kling... tot tot tot

Please answer the phone Zi...

Kling kling... tot tot tot

Did she block me? 

Hanz tried to contact Zi but he is blocked. He also tried contacting her thru messenger and other social media accounts but Zi also blocks him there. 

He drank two bottles of wine already. He's a bit tipsy and the poor noodles were not touched by him at all.


[Simon is live...]

Who's this? 

Hanz was curious, why did he receive this notification? And who is Simon? He clicks the notification to see Simon's Livestream but when he saw his face, he saw Zi instead of Simon.

Zi? I want to talk to you...

Hanz requested to join "Zi's" live and was happy that she approved his request.

He didn't know where to start, he can only stare at "Zi's" intently. 

Simon: Hi bro! what's up?

Hanz: ...........................

Simon: Uhhhhh. Can you hear me?

Hanz: ........................

Simon: I think there's something wrong with your connection.

Connection? No! I think there is something wrong with us.

Hanz: I... I think there's something... wro-wrong with me.

Simon: huh? *showed his confused face

I need to ask her. I need to know if we don't have a chance at all.

Hanz: Don't you love me anymore, my little puppy? Why did you break up with me? What did I... what did I do wrong to deserve this pain? *for a minute all that can be heard is Hanz sobbing.

Hanz didn't mind the commotion in the comment section until... 

[Simon's live ended]

You didn't even answer me. Two years, those two years are wasted. Two years and I'm not even worth listening. 

Hanz sobs in pain covering his head with his two smooth hands. He cried and cried and cried until he falls asleep.


kling kling.... kling kling...


Hanz stretched out his hand to get his phone and was bewildered by the twenty miscalls from Jay, his Manager. 

"Hello? cancel all my sch-" Hanz wasn't able to finish his sentence when Jay but in. 

"Check the trending topic now!" Jay exclaimed.

"What? why?" still sleepy and confused Hanz opened his social media account and check the trending topic. He was dumbfounded when he saw the hashtag #SiHanz.



So this story was written on an impulse at 12:30 AM. I was simping over my ship couple in chin4 and bulaga pumasok lang sya sa utak ko. 

I was writing a different story for a contest but I don't have any inspiration at all. Well, I don't like the theme so...  *shy laugh.

I hope you enjoy the story so far. :)

Thank you.

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