Puppy eyes!

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I love you too. Please don-

Who is this person Ge? Why is that person in your dream?  How can this person hurt you?

Simon was full of questions, curiousity, and heartaches. Did he come at the wrong time? If he already has someone he loves then does he still have a chance to occupy even a tiny space in his heart?

This is the third time that he felt this way because of Hanz. The third time that he felt his heart was about to tear apart. 

Swallowing all the pain, he held back tighter to the hand that was neither hot nor cold. The softest hand he ever held in his life. 

"Give me a chance, please. I will never hurt you the way that person did." his eyes moist a little. He kept on holding back his tears, he doesn't want to cry again, at least not now.

"Am I not giving you a chance?"

Hanz was awakened by the strong force in his hand, hearing Simon's words, he thought to himself why is he crying again? such a crybaby. Am I not giving him a chance with chicken soup?! He's cute but he's also dumbed.

"Baobei! Sorry. Did I disturb you? Do you want to eat now? Or water? Do you want to drink water? Let m-"

Simon was startled. He woke up Hanz again for the second time. Ashamed of what he said just now, he tried to not mind what Hanz uttered but deep inside his heart wanted to scream.

Hanz stop his blabbering, "Sit down. Let's talk"

Once and for all they need to set things clear. If he will give this puppy man a chance then he needs to be honest, tell him everything first.

"Give me water first, my throat is too dry," he mumbled like a princess who wanted to be cuddled by a prince.

Simon swiftly gets some water for his princess. No for his prince rather. For his beloved baobei.

"That night I joined your live, my girlfriend broke up with me. We were together for two years and that day was our anniversary. I wasn't able to come early or greet her early so she was furious. Last year I forgot about it too, she's so mad at me."

Simon listens to him intently afraid he'll miss out on any information.

"What I'm trying to say is, you might get hurt along the way, I'm not yet over with her. I'm a person who forgets special days, I might not remember your birthday either or every little thing you said. If you pursue me, your fans might leave you."

Looking straight into his eyes, Hanz stated every word with clarity. He doesn't want this innocent puppy to waste his time on him, he doesn't want to hurt him.

Not minding what the other person will say, Simon, hug him tight and whispered in his ears, "I thought you will say to stop bothering you or that I'm a nuisance."

Those are the words he's afraid to hear. If Hanz said that then he will willingly vanish from his sight.  

"Ge, if you can't remember special days I will remember them for you. If you can't remember everything I say, then I'll remember everything you say. I'll be the one to greet you first, I will love you and cherish you with everything that I have."

Tears are starting to fall down from his eyes again. He can't help it no matter how hard he tried. The joy he feels inside is too strong. 

"Fans will come and go. I have thousands of them but you are only one. You own my heart now."

He doesn't care if he lost his fans but he can't lose his soulmate, that would be like suffering in hell while living in heaven.

"You still have to pursue me and please stop crying." he blurted out like an annoyed boyfriend.  

Hanz doesn't know how to coax a crying man and he doesn't know how a man pursues a man but he somehow likes this feeling of being the only one in someone's heart.

Maybe, just maybe he will learn to love him even a little. 

Laughing upon hearing it, Simon landed a kiss on Hanz forehead, "Be ready for it Baobei. You'll be head over heels for me in no time."

"Really? I'm born ready. Oh, remember, no kissing without a label."

That kiss on the forehead, he felt so much respect on that. Maybe it's not so wrong to give the puppy a chance.

"I'm hungry." 

And the saga of the puppy pursuing the cat started in that room 0511.


Simon prepared the mini table in front of Hanz, putting all kinds of dishes. From Chicken Soup, goji berries, ginseng tea, and cold cucumber salad.

Every dish is well thought and made with care.

"Let me feed you," a grinning puppy took the spoon and fork to help the sick cat eat his meal. 

"I'm not impaired, I can help myself." 

He is not a child that he needed someone to feed him. He can do it himself.

"No, I want to feed you. Please?" this time Simon flashed his puppy eyes acting very cute and pitiable. 

He's so done, Hanz thought to himself. This man is a coy. A fox in sheep's clothing. Is it too late to take back what he said?

After some thought and inner battle, he opens his mouth and lets the cunning puppy feed him.

Ang what about the puppy

He's overly happy that he explains all the nutritional value of every food he's feeding Hanz. How it's important to eat healthy and freshly cooked food. How to balance food and exercise. He also promised to cook for him from now on.

"Bao, did you know that to keep yourself healthy, you need to do 70% exercise and 30% food intake? Do you want to see my abs? I'll show you." he is like a child talking about his newfound toy.

"I have my own abs, why would I want to see yours?" Hanz replied while side-eyeing him.

"Can I see it? Please, please." again another puppy eyes just to get what he wants.

This time he is so sure. He stumbles upon a very clever, cunning puppy.

Goodluck Hanz

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