"This is a good opportunity to ride the hex up to the fourth floor!" encouraged Marian. Her eyes lit up. "I'll demonstrate – if you want to sideline this one."

Eagerly, Oriane let Marian take charge. If she could barely balance when it was stationary, she was certainly going to fall onto the stairs when it was moving. Oriane would like to avoid another trip to the infirmary.

Call her cowardly but she wasn't going to control a magickal flying object any time soon.

Marian weaved up the flights of stairs quickly with ease, cheering with glee and startling bystanders, while Oriane raced after her.

It was surprising how fast a hexed object travelled. It reminded Oriane of the flying carpet in Aladdin. No doubt inspired by the occasional glimpse of witchcraft or air elemental magicks.

She wondered if one could make a hexed object talk or interact with its surroundings like in the movies?

"Slow-poke!" Marian called from the top of the stairs. "I'm tempting to fly you up here myself."

"Hold up, I'm coming!"

After the little practice balancing on a magickal object, the last thing Oriane wanted was to be propelled up into the air. She was overwhelmed enough.

Second day at school and she had already witnessed live hexing, fainted, gotten a classmate in trouble, been in the infirmary, and had gotten lost somewhere below school grounds where she was not supposed to be.

Oriane barely got decent winks of sleep last night, let alone start on any of her assignments.

When she reached the fourth floor, Marian was inspecting the space.

"It's the third door on the right," Oriane said as she fumbled to find the fob to her room in her pockets.

"You know, I've never been up here before," Marian said as she twirled around the corridor, her skirts fluttered around her knees. She stopped and her eyes caught sight of the glass windows over-looking a view to a dense forest to the right of school grounds. "I've certainly never seen the forest from this high up before."

Oriane looked up as she pat herself down. Where was the bloody fob? She grabbed her bag. "Can't see the same view from the other buildings?"

"There's a huge physical wall protecting the back buildings. Haven't you noticed? The only place you can see the forest is from the Main Building or the Chancellor's Upper Courts."

Found it! The fob was in one of the the front pockets.

"I find the gardens a lot prettier to look at, and my room faces it." Oriane held the fob towards the door until the red blinker flashed green, and opened the door. "Come in."

Marian turned away from the window and went to Oriane. Immediately, she was awed. "Major redecoration job much! I love that pink wallpaper and the carpets. How long did it take them to prepare all of this?"

"Apparently, not long. Witches helped?"

"Even witches have their limits," remarked Marian. "Anyway, so can I borrow your Remedies textbook or what? I'll give it back before dinner time, no hay problema."

"How long would you take to redecorate this room?" Oriane asked as she went through her bookcases for the textbook. She had two shelves, one in the living and one in her bedroom. Sometimes, she found the books swapped places in her absence.

"You've got, what, a living, bedroom, bathroom, dining, and even kitchen. This is a luxury. It'd take me a few days to shop for all the furniture and accessories and a few more to put it all together. A week, at least – that's with the help of my coven sisters because, you know," she chortled under her breath with a tilt of her spectacles. "A witch does not simply redecorate by herself."

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