𝙖 𝙬𝙤𝙢𝙖𝙣 𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙣𝙚𝙙

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"Céline?" Henry said, coming up to the bar where the girl was stood. 

Céline looked up at him blankly, smacking her pink glossed lips together. 

"'Ello 'Enry," She said disapprovingly, in her very thick French accent. Céline had grown up in Bordeaux, but was enjoying her second year in New York attending the same bilingual school, L'École, that her half-sister had recently graduated from. 

"I didn't know you'd be here," he said. 

She looked at him vacantly again, before shrugging. "Well 'ere I am," She pursed her lips. "Can I 'elp?"  Henry was suddenly lost for words. He didn't actually know what he wanted to say, or even if he wanted to say anything. 

"Henry?" A voice said behind him. A sweet, familiar voice with the same slight French accent it had always had.

Henry turned quickly, and his eyes met Camille's.

Her long mousy brown hair was loose around her shoulders, and she wore a short, simple baby blue slip dress that matched her chipped nail polish.  Henry felt his lungs heave and his heart pump. 

Only know you love her when you let her go, huh? 

"Camille," he felt himself smiling like an idiot. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see my sister," she said. 

Henry nodded. He couldn't tell whether he wanted her to fall into his arms or whether he wanted to run away. He felt weakened around Camille, and unsure of himself. Two things Henry Bass never used to feel. 

"I should go," Camille said quickly, heading past him but he grabbed her wrist before she could slip away. 

"Please, stay," Henry said softly. 

Camille looked up at him, her doe brown eyes large and filled with anguish. She shut her eyes for a moment, and looked at him again, this time her gaze more assertive and firm. 

"Listen to me, 'Enry," She said in her soft french toned voice. "I love you, and I know you love me too. But until you stop being a coward and admit you were scared and that's why you ditched me, until you can be a man, this is over." 

Camille shook away his grip and stormed past, walking away, Céline following closely behind. Henry watched her disappear into the crowd, her baby blue dress shimmering. He gulped back tears and turned away, resting his head in his hands as he leaned against the bar.  


"Miss Delilah Bass," Chairwoman Brownstone presented into the microphone. "Daughter of Jack Bass and Georgina Sparks, escorted by Salinger Van der Woodsen." 

Delilah grinned goofily as she walked up the stairs on the arm of her escort, Sal. 

"Miss Bass hopes to continue her education at Constance Billard for Girls, before attending Circus School to," the chairwoman paused and uttered the next few words with disdain. "Complete a degree in... acrobatics."  Delilah beamed, and next to her, Sal felt his lips crawl into an ear-to-ear smile. She had know idea how lovely she was, he thought. 

So tragic, yet wholesome! Pass the tissues. 

The two passed the chairwoman as they continued their walk upstairs. 

"Miss Hadley Waldorf-Bass, daughter of Charles Bass and Blair Waldorf," the chairwoman went on. Hadley's arm was laced through Felix's as she confidently strode up the stairs. "Escorted by Montgomery Baizen. Hadley Waldorf-Bass aims to study Criminal Law and Business at Columbia, before assuming her father's role as CEO of Bass Industries." 

Hadley smirked, feeling powerful. It wasn't long before that feeling was replaced by the stinging reminder that her father wasn't there.

"She also plans to make a large donation to Sotheby's on her eighteenth birthday, and join the board of several charities based in Manhattan" the chairwoman said quickly, skipping the part where Hadley listed where she was going to live and how many children she planned on having.  Hadley shot the chairwoman a glare as she passed along. 

"Scarlett Van der Woodsen, granddaughter of chairwoman Lily Rhodes, daughter of Serena Van der Woodsen and Daniel Humphrey, escorted by Henry Waldorf-Bass," Chairwoman Brownstone announced adoringly. "Scarlett hopes to move to Los Angeles and become a movie actress, but not before completing a full education at Princeton University." 

Scarlett frowned. She hadn't said anything about Princeton.

"Miss Allegra Thorpe, daughter of Reina Thorpe and Gregory Müller, escorted by Jeremy Wilder," the chairwoman said. 

Allegra suppressed an anticipating laugh. 

"Allegra hopes to begin her missionary work in South Africa as soon as she graduates, before spending the following few years of her life over a desk," the unassuming chairwoman trilled, ignoring the snorts and laughs of the children. "She then hopes to retire at sixty-nine, where she will pursue becoming a... cowgirl as a pastime."  Laughs rippled through the hall as Jeremy and Allegra headed up the stairs. 

"Miss Opal Meyer, daughter of Malcom and Isabelle Meyer, escorted by Gabriel Archibald." 


"That was the best," Scarlett giggled as the two girls snuck off, a stolen Champagne bottle between them. Both had ditched their escorts, and planned on getting drunk in an upstairs room. 

"I know, right," Allegra laughed, swigging Dom back from the bottle. "I was inspired." 

The imagery was artistic, I'll give her that. 

"She had no idea!" Scarlett laughed her perfect, effortless laugh that sounded like a spring breeze rippling through an orchard. "That's the best thing!" 

The girls giggled uncontrollably, tottering into an upstairs hall. Allegra sighed as she collapsed onto a couch. Scarlett kicked the door shut with a Loubotin peep-toe heel before flopping down next to her friend. 

They sat there for a moment, and Scarlett kept her wide brown eyes fixed on Allegra's as they lay there. They were both tipsy, and as Scarlett chugged champagne from the bottle, Allegra's face edged closer to hers.

"What?" Scarlett asked, and Allegra quickly planted a kiss on her plump pink lips and grabbed the bottle from her hand.

Stunned, Scarlett watched as her friend took another drink. "What was that about?"

Allegra shrugged with a wry smile. "I don't know."

"Do you... like me?" Scarlett raised an eyebrow.

"Not everyone's in love with you, Scar," Allegra smirked. "I'm drunk, I felt like kissing you. Is that okay?"

It was usually Scarlett doing impulsive things, and she was rarely shocked by others. She smiled in confusion, watching as Allegra drank from the bottle.

Slowly, the blonde sat up, taking it from Allegra's hand and putting the bottle to her own lips as she tried not to giggle. This was so weird, but she kind of loved it. She missed doing crazy things with nobody around to judge her.

No Hadley, you mean.

She put the bottle down again and put her hand on Allegra's neck, pulling the girl in. They kissed again, but this time it was an actual kiss, and they were both kissing back.

The sound of the door opening behind them shocked the two girls apart, Scarlett falling back onto the couch. She met the eyes of Henry, who was gaping in the doorway. 

Ooh la la! Who'd have thought - Henry Waldorf-Bass, a woman scorned!

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