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Hadley had her earphones plugged in as she walked through Constance's cafeteria. She added a large dollop of bleu cheese dressing to her romaine lettuce and, making her way to the tills, Hadley snatched the last low fat lemon yoghurt and placed it on her tray.

Hadley scanned the room and sat down alone, staring ahead as she dipped her lettuce into the dressing drearily.

Oh, tragic!

She was just thinking about her little conversation with Gabriel, if you could even call it that, when Delilah sat down across from her with a big smile on her face.

Hadley pulled out her earphones, taking a violent bite of her lettuce. She was not in the mood for this.

"So, I just had Latin," Delilah gushed, as if Hadley gave a flying fuck. "And oh my god, my mom texted half way through, and first of all I was so worried that Ms Roland was gonna take my phone off me, cos you know, she's strict like that, she totally didn't notice and so I checked my phone in secret."

Hadley zoned out, listening to the crunch her lettuce made when she chewed and trying to drown out Delilah's yapping.

"And my mom had texted, of all people," the girl wittered on. "And I was about to text back like 'mom, what are you doing texting me while I'm in class!' and then I read her text and she told me she and my dad are getting married!"

The crunching stopped, and Hadley snapped out of her daze.

"Come again?" She coughed.

"My mom and dad are getting married!" Delilah trilled. "And guess what, me and you are gonna be bridesmaids!"

"Jack and Georgina are getting married?" Hadley said. "But they already got married."

"Yeah, but they divorced and now they're back in love," Delilah said as if that was totally normal, taking a large bite of her burger.

As if her life wasn't tragic enough, now Hadley had to be a bridesmaid in what was sure to be the tackiest, most frivolous and embarrassing middle aged crisis wedding of the century.

Hadley suddenly felt sick, and set down her piece of lettuce. Everything was such a disaster.


Scarlett couldn't stop thinking about what Henry had said. Maybe Hadley did miss her. She sure was showing it in an odd way, but that was Hadley. She had far too much pride and Scarlett knew it — she knew Hadley better than anyone.

That was it. She was going to talk to Hadley, and stop wasting time in this weird ceasefire. Scarlett didn't even really know what had happened. She'd guessed it was something to do with Gabriel - maybe Hadley had felt a little left out that they would go off together.

Left out is an understatement.

Although, there was always this unspoken competitiveness between she and Hadley over Gabriel, but Scarlett had never thought they would let it come between them.

That sounds a little too good to be true, don't you think, S?

It was lunch, and usually Hadley would be found eating a lemon yoghurt or sushi on the steps of the Met with her gaggle of friends, but today she was nowhere to be seen. Maybe she'd gone back to her house? Or sometimes she got lunch at the restaurant at her dad's hotel, but only when he was away and she really missed him (not that she'd admit that to anyone).

Scarlett headed towards Hadley's building, and smiled at the doorman. It had been so long since she'd been here, but he remembered her.

"Camille please, just let me talk to you!" Henry Bass' voice filled her ears as Scarlett stepped out of the elevator. "Fuck!"

"Alright soldier?" Scarlett asked as she stepped into the living room. Henry was lying on the couch with a cushion over his face. His phone, he'd thrown onto the rug. He jumped at the sound of her voice, and sprang up, tossing the cushion away.

"Scarlett!" He half-yelled in shock. His eyes were slightly bloodshot and his cheeks shiny. He'd been crying. Suddenly Scarlett felt like an idiot for not at least calling before turning up unannounced.

"Hey, sorry if this is a bad time," she said, stepping back.

Henry stood up quickly. "No, no it's fine," he told her. It was always nice to see Scarlett, even if it really was a bad time. Camille had hung up on him, again, and all he had wanted to do was to sit in his room and think about how much of an asshole he was, but now all he wanted to do was to talk to Scarlett.

Precisely the reason why you are an asshole, Henry. An asshole we love, of course.

Scarlett smiled a shy, pretty smile. She wasn't wearing any makeup apart from a lazy bit of mascara, and her hair hung down in messily over her Constance uniform. Henry smiled, it was like his fairy godmother had arrived to rid him of his problems with Camille, except Scarlett was more angel than fairy .

"Is Hadley in?" She asked, tucking a wave of sandy blonde hair behind her ear. Henry blinked, trying not to get too distracted by how lovely she was. "Er - no, she's not," he told her. "Do you want me to tell her you stopped by?"

Stopped by? Henry wanted to slap himself. That made it seem like he was trying to get her to leave.

I don't know about you, but I want to know who's stolen Henry Bass' self-assured, sexy soul and replaced it with a quivering, nervous, insecure one.

Pretty sure it was Camille, actually.

"Yeah," Scarlett grinned, picking up her red blue suede Barney's hobo bag and heading back towards the elevator.

"How are you, then?" Henry asked after her.

She turned back and nodded with another smile.

"Good," She said. "Everything okay your end?" She asked, even though it didn't seem like it was considering the phonecall she'd overheard.

Henry nodded with a smile. "See you around."

"See ya," Scarlett waved as the elevator doors closed in front of her. She felt a little tickle in her stomach.

Gabriel who?


Hadley stormed past the doorman in her building, swinging her red leather Prada bucket bag over her shoulder aggressively. After talking to her cousin at lunch, Hadley had promptly decided life was no longer worth living, called a town car and was planning on heading up to her room and watching How to Steal a Million while stuffing her face with Godiva truffles.

The elevator doors opened, and just as Hadley was about to step in she was suddenly met face to face with Scarlett Van der Woodsen. As if her day couldn't get any worse, the girl that she wanted to avoid at all costs was in her building.

"What are you doing here?" She demanded, crossing her arms indignantly. Scarlett was probably about to cheat on Gabriel with Henry, because that would be another perfect way to ruin Hadley's life.

Ah yes, everyone has it out for poor little Hadley.

"Looking for you, actually," Scarlett responded, but there was no spite in her voice. "I was wondering if we could talk."

"Right, well I can't," Hadley said. "I have homework." She headed towards the elevator, and Scarlett followed.

The blonde's face hardened. "Why are you being such a bitch, Hadley?"

"What?" Hadley asked coldly.

"You know what." Scarlett whined. "You don't talk to me anymore."

Hadley wasn't sure what to say. They hadn't spoken for months, why was she choosing to reach out now? "Things change, Scarlett."

Scarlett wanted to tell her how much she missed her, but the doors of the elevator were already closing, and Hadley's glare disappeared with them.

Scarlett rushed out of the building, an angry tear running down her lovely face.

Don't worry, S, she'll come around. You can't stay mad at someone forever when you had baths together in grade school...

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