
Lan Xichen looks in horror as the havoc around him goes on and on and on until a woman's shrill voice pierces the air. Many not driven to thrash blindly pause, many others do not. Swords turn to the woman and pause but some do not.

Master Wei stands before his sister as Wanyin stands behind. Sect LEader Lan feels his legs wobble and thrusts Shuoyue into the earth.

It happens, those turned with their swords, advance at Master Wei. The one that reaches him finds his sword met with a female. Jin Yanli pushes her brother aside. It takes a long moment for everything to sink in.

Then, two blood-curdling screams fill the air. The devastation is the final straw that pushes him to the ground and all is darkness. When he came up, Wangji was nowhere and Wanyin carried his sister, quietly through the bodies, cradled in his arms.


Lan Xichen thought things were at peace, nothing was, his brother was in seclusion, he had no inkling of where or how the one who held his heart was, his people in Yunmeng only had news that Sect Leader Jiang would disappear from time to time.

The only thing he could do, after his brother had settled into seclusion, dragging his battered body through burial mounds, bringing a little child home and now resigned himself to the cave, was go look for the one point of peace and sanity in his life.

At the first chance, he flew to Koi Tower.

"Ge." the soft voice of A'Yao was a soothing touch to his turmoiled life. The man hurried ahead and wrapped his hands around Lan Xichen and the man let him.

Seemed like, there is no peace at Koi tower as well, "What is it A'Yao?"

"Brother is suffering," those words filled his heart with warmth, making him return the embrace. But Lan Xichen wasn't blind, he knew that wasn't it.

"What is it, Chief Cultivator Jin?" His serious tone made the man step back. Lan Xichen witnessed the smile fall a little and a few dark lines under his eyes. Was he keeping unwell?

"Jin Ling. It is hard to care for a baby without his parents. None of the people that were employed made it, neither any disciples nor anyone had been of any help."

A-Yao's lips pulled sideways, deepening his dimple as he resisted the urge to sigh. A laugh built-in Lan Xichen's chest and he let it out. That was a good problem to have.

"Ah! I am sorry ge. You have so many things going on and here I am telling you about insignificant matters. Moreover, the poor baby's life is shattered, I shouldn't be saying such things. Sect Leader Jiang must be in so much pain, the only family that remains for him is gone."

Lan Xichen was glad that A'Yao turned away for he couldn't let anyone see his own concern for the only Jiang remaining. The pain of losing everyone in your life was unimaginable. Sect Leader Lan knew the pain of loss, but he still had his brother and uncle, Jiang Cheng had no on.

Sect Leader Lan had the sudden urge to go check on the man. The thing he had refrained himself to not think about because of his circumstances seemed plausible now. But he couldn't do it immediately. He couldn't be brash. To begin with, Wanyin might not want to see him. He'd have to find a good excuse, a night hunt in Yunmeng.


Jiang Cheng did not look at his brush or its stroke as he signed the paper. He had only come back today. He couldn't remember where he had gone. He took another swing of the alcohol beside him and kept working.

A knock made him look up, but his vision was blurry. He waited, who was it? Why did they not come in? Oh right! He had to call them in. No. He didn't want to. He didn't want to see anyone. He didn't say anything. Another knock was ringing in his head.

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