A New Victim

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(Y/n)'s POV

It's been a year since I escaped from that damn science freaks. I fucking hated them. Though they didn't do stuff to me like how they do stuff to others, but seeing them do such things makes me wanna slit their necks.

I drank my hot chocolate and looked at the streets of Los Santos behind the bullet proof glass that separates me from the dangers of the world.

I looked at the time through my phone; 8 am. What a start for another uneventful day. Just like the past 8 months, no sigh of dear old Death anywhere... Well, no sign of him from where I am at least.

That's how my side effect works; I need to be at least two feet near a person for it to trigger. So far... Nothing much is going on.

I uttered a sigh and stood up from the wooden chair. I looked at the glass again before leaving the coffee shop.

"See you again..." The jolly cashier waved me goodbye as the door open, making the bell above it ring. It didn't shock the costumers, but I could feel them jump a little in their seats.

I took a deep breath outside the shop; the sweet aroma of the brewing coffees changed into a bloody scent. The cold air from the air conditioner was trapped inside, only the warm embrace of the wind can be felt.

I exhaled slowly and walked around the city. I could hear faint screaming from every alleyway I walk by. Their cries of help only made me sigh, as I pass them like I never heard them.

I arrived at my house and touched the knob, about to twist it when the side effects kicked in.

I see myself entering the house and getting shot by 3 people while they rob my house. They all shot me, on the head, chest and neck.

I gave an annoyed sigh and hurriedly left my house. Those guys have been robbing me every week for the past month. I can't really blame them, I never really stayed home except at night making it a robbers dream victim.

I walked for about 5 minutes and arrived at the park. I sat down on one of the benches and looked up with my eyes closed and felt the air. It was still warm, but it blew quite slowly than before. The once bloody scent in the air disappeared and replaced by the nature's aroma of trees and flowers.

"What a relaxing place, am I right?" a voice echoes through my ears. Since I didn't get the effect, I knew I was safe. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the side to see the person beside me taking out his sunglasses.

His light green eyes look at me with a calm and kind look, his lips smiled at me with sincerity, his mohawk style brown hair danced with the slow breeze, his shirt reminds me of the sun setting, and his jeans are quite empty; Which made me worry about his life.

"It is." I replied to him, hiding the worry in my face by not looking at him. He pats on the side of the bench, gesturing if he can sit. I nodded and moved a little bit on the side to make room for him. He gave a sweet smile and sat down.

And then there was silence. Nothing but peaceful silence; No screaming of pain, no gunshots, or annoying police sirens... Just pure silence. Only the wind and the rustling of the leaves are creating sound, but for me... They are a part of silence.

I closed my eyes and felt the soft breeze. I took 3 deep breaths, all slowly to satisfy my body, who was looking for a way to get away from the chaos of Los Santos without staying behind that glass.

After a while, a vibration of a phone destroyed the calm environment. I opened my eyes and looked at my side to see the guy scroll through his phone, seem to be leaving soon.

I smiled and looked up... I looked back at him and see him lying on the ground between two buildings, dead. He has gunshot wounds: 3 on the head, 5 on the body, and 4 on the legs.

I blinked and saw him dead again, but this time, he's sitting on the side of a building. His right arm is detached from his body.

I blinked again and saw him dead with three other guys on a house, all have the same type of guns. Possibly his friends, and he died on his house.

I blinked once more and saw him sitting on the bench, typing something in a hurry. I shook my head in confusion.

Why are there three possible scenarios? It was rare to see two, but three? If these are his possible deaths, his only option is to stay... here? Right?

My thoughts was even more mixed up as the voice comes back. It's been months since I hear that voice again and I could just smile in nostalgia. But it turned into a frown when I heard it say the time:

'Three minutes'

Wait... Three minutes? That's the longest! The second most longest time is 1 minute and 2 seconds... What the hell? Is this dude made some kind of deal with the Reaper?

"I'll be going now." His soft voice shook me out of confusion. His eyes look at me with adoration and he smiled. I smiled back... A smile of determination.

His eyes were kind, even if he's in a gang or a robber, he was one of those guys... The guys that saved me from the scientists, and since I already saw his death, it will be useless of me to do nothing!

He stood up and hurriedly tried to run, but I held his hand before he can even step away.
Three minutes you say? Well then...

Looks like dear old death has his New Victim.

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